The church soon after consecration in 1900, in splendid isolation amongst the surrounding fields

Aspects of the history of our church since its foundation in 1900

Click on any of the links below to find out more, from printed history books, photographs,
service records and magazine articles about how St Faith's came to exist and how its
distinctive witness has developed over the years.

This page was launched on September 10th, 2012,  and is being progressively expanded and updated.

  • In the beginning - pages about our founder, Douglas Horsfall, the foundation, building and consecration of St Faith's.
  • The text of the anonymous 1930 booklet 'History of S.Faith Great Crosby'
  • 'Fifty Years' - the text of George Houldin's 1950 history of St Faith's
  • Seventy Five years - the expanded and updated history of our church, published to mark its 75th anniversary in 1975.
  • From the archives  - a Powerpoint presentation of annotated photographs of the church from its early years. Part one and Part Two
  • Registering the past - a developing series of magazine articles being published in our magazine, highlighting in more detail the events recorded in the early church service registers.
  • Chronicles of a Choirboy 1946-1953 - a series in which ex-choirboy Graham Barry gives a lively account of his time in the Wolf Cubs and the Church Choir at St Faith's some 60 years ago.
  • Furnishings of Faith - a link added to the compendium of articles recording and describing the various furnishings of our church (glass, wood, stone etc) since its foundation  Linked November 11th, 2014
  • Gently, Bentley! John Woodley researches the odd story of our second vicar's changes of name. Uploaded November 22nd, 2014
  • From the Parish Registers  Denis Griffiths' original transcriptions of a century of baptisms, confirmations and weddings are being updated and flagged up here. Click on the category you are seeking.
    Uploaded May 27th, 2015