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This page lists changes,
additions and updates to the site as they are uploaded.
The weekly St Faith's bulletin page, which
reproduces the text of the Sunday notes and news sheet,
with links to the full liturgy for the Sunday concerned,
is updated each week, and can be accessed directly from
the front page (via the 'Way of Faith' banner) or by
clicking HERE
For general links to
a wide range of topics, access the home page; to search in more
detail use the index page - or
the search facility on the front
Sepember 13th
Paula's most recent sermon is
here. Good luck today!
September 12th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(The Blessed Virgin Mary) are here. No service at St
Faith's - joint worship 10.30 am at St Mary's
September 11th
A poem to recall the terrible
events of 9/11 is to be found in the magazine
September 8th
'Of Saints and Miracles':
Denis Griffiths's controversia; piece is in the magazine. Disagree with
it? Write in and say why
September 7th
Belated posting of Fr John's
St Bartholomew sermon of 25th August last. It's here
September 6th
Notes and news for next
Sunday, Trinity 12, are here
September 5th
'Remembering St Faiths' - our
esteemed Treasurer writes in the magazine
September 4th
Waterloo Churches September
churches schedule is here
September 2nd
A new month's magazine opens with the
obituary of the King of Hay
August 31st
Paula's sermon of 18th August
is finally here
August 29th
Notes and news for week
beginning next Sunday are here
August 26th
'Coming out of the woodwork'
- Chris Dawson's 'Furnishings of Faith'
article is resurrected here
August 23rd
Good news of a boost for the
Back of Church fund... and 'Helter-Skelter Homily'
- a question of taste in the magazine
August 22nd
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Saint Bartholomew) and week are here
August 19th
The road to sainthood - a
fascinating story posted in the magazine. It's worth a
August 16th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(9th after Trinity) and week are here
August 15th
'The Mish' - Denis Griffiths
is all at sea in the magazine
August 12th
'The Good Old C. of E.' - a
poem to read and agree or disagree with in the magazine
August 9th
Notes and news for the coming
Sunday (11th August: 8th after Trinity) are here
August 7th
A hard-hitting attack on silly
goings-on in Anglican cathedrals. Read it here
August 4th
The rest of Eric Salisbury's
article on our church's architecture is in the magazine. Contains
lavatorial references!
August 2nd
Fr John's sermon from last
Sunday is here
August 1st
Notes and News for next Sunday
(7th after Trinity, August 4th) are here
July 31st
An entertainment to end the
month in the magazine
July 29th
Start of the reprinting
in the magazine of
the 1999 article 'Furnishing of Faith'
July 26th
Words': proclamations of faith
from the moon landings fifty years
ago - in the magazine today
Notes and news for next Sunday
(6th after Trinity, 28th July) and
week following are here
July 23rd
Paula's sermon from last
Sunday is here
July 21st
Gloomy statistics on the
decline of Christianity in Britain are in the magazine
July 20th
Revd Denise's sermon from last
Sunday is here
July 19th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(5th after Trinity, 21st July) and week following
are here
July 17th
'Golden Oldies' - Rick and
Rosie Walker celebrate a very special anniversary
in church. Words and pictures in the magazine
July 13th
Child Care Circus style - see
today's input to the magazine
July 11th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(4th after Trinity) and week are here
July 9th
For lack of anything better,
the editor uploads a 30-year old poem to the magazine
July 6th
A striking photograph, with an
inflammatory caption, posted in the magazine
July 5th
Notes and news for next
Sunday (3rd after Trinity) are here
July 3rd
Fr John's letter is uploaded
to the magazine
July 2nd
July diary for the Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
July 1st
Opening of the July/August
online magazine (with
diary of events)
June 30th
'The bells! The bells!' - an
entertaining news story to round off the month in
the magazine
June 29th
Fr John's sermon, preached
last Sunday, online here
June 27th
'If you want a Cathedral we've
got one to spare!) - enjoy Denis Griffiths's photo
in the magazine
Notes and news for Sunday (SS
Peter and Paul) and week are here
June 25th
Fr John's Corpus Christi night
sermon is here
June 22nd
rest of the photos of the Vintage
High Tea afternoon are in the magazine
June 21st
Notes and news for next Sunday
(1st after Trinity) and week are here
June 20th
First batch of photos of the
Vintage High Tea afternoon are in the magazine
June 18th
The Corpus Christi pages added
to the magazine
June 17th
Tale of Two Fund-raisers' Part 2
(the Vintage Tea afternoon report)
added to the magazine
Last Sunday's Pentecost sermon
by Fr John (and the Rainbows!) is here
June 15th
'A Tale of Two Fund-raisers'
Part 1 (the Quiz Night report) added to the magazine
June 14th
Hymns and Poems of the Holy
Spirit uploaded to the magazine
June 13th
Notes and news for Trinity Sunday and week are here
June 12th
'Pussy Cat Power': a joke for
cat lovers is here
June 10th
'The Pentecost Pages' -
prayers, readings and hymns for the season are
uploaded to the magazine
June 8th
Do you suffer from A.A.D.D.?
Check it out in the magazine
June 7th
Notes and news for Pentecost
Sunday and week are here
June 5th
Paula's sermon from last
Sunday may be studied here
June 4th
A cartoon uploaded to the magazine. Perhaps best
viewed on your tablet?
June 3rd
Denise's sermon from 26th May
is here today
June 2nd
The June schedule for the
Waterloo Anglican churches is here
June 1st
The June magazine issue opens
with the month's schedule of worship and events, here
May 31st
To round off the May magazine
issue, an irreverent, but, the editor hopes, not
irrelevant cartoon. Judge for yourself here
May 30th
Notes and news for this Sunday (Easter 7) and week
following are here
May 29th
Revised Diary of Events for
June and added baptisms, weddings and church
committee meeting dates for the year. Google diary
May 28th
Advertising the forthcoming
Vintage High Tea and Musical Afternoon here and in the magazine
May 25th
A message from the Treasurer
is the latest addition to the magazine
May 24th
Fr John's sermon preached last
Sunday is here
May 23rd
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Easter 6) and week following are here
May 21st
'What! the Devil?' - a
serious article and an irreverent cartoon on the
same page of the magazine
May 17th
Fr John's Eastertide Epistle
is the latest posting to the magazine pages
May 16th
Paula's sermon, preached last
Sunday, is here
May 14th
'Songs of Praise' - a new magazine page featuring
favourite hymns kicks off with 'Lord for the
May 10th
'Probing the Peter Principle':
read Denis's latest hard-hitting article in the magazine
May 9th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Easter 4) and week are here
May 7th
Prayers for our nuclear
deterrent - the Church is in two minds in the
latest addition to the online Newslink
May 6th
Paula's sermon from 28th April
is posted here
May 4th
Notes and news for the coming
week are here.
Remember - no morning service at St Faith's
May 3rd
Changes to the Saturday
concert schedule posted in the magazine and here
May 2nd
May schedule for Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
May 1st
Diary of services and events
for May opens the new month's magazine
April 30th
A terrible joke to close the
April issue of Newslink
April 28th
An entertaining clerical
obituary is to be found in the magazine
April 25th
'But who will buy the
biscuits?' Another thoughtful polemic from Denis
Griffiths invites your attention in the magazine
Notes and news for next Sunday (Low Sunday) are here
April 22nd
The 2019 Saturday concerts
schedule update (all dates now filled) is here. The
season opens on May 4th
April 21st
'Resurrection': a poem for
Eastertide is uploaded to the magazine
April 19th
Images from the Maundy
Thursday service are in the magazine
April 18th
Notes and news for Easter week
are here
April 17th
'Maundy Thursday Watch' poem
in the magazine here
April 16th
Fr Bill Matthews' Passion
Sunday sermon is here
April 15th
Pictures of yesterday's Palm
Sunday srevice in the magazine here
April 14th
'The Tea Party and Auntie
Beeb': all is made clear in Newslink here
April 12th
An irreverent take on Brexit
is added to the April magazine
April 11th
Notes and news for Palm Sunday
and Holy Week are here
April 9th
The 2019 Summer Saturday
concert schedule is in the magazine here
April 7th
The final chapter of Fr Bill
Matthews' Journey of Faith is in the magazine here
April 5th
St Faith's website comes of
age. Join the celebrations in the magazine here
April 4th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Passion Sunday) and week following are here
Paula's Mothering Sunday sermon is here
April 3rd
Updates resumed after computer
problems fixed! First page of April online
magazine uploaded here
March 31st
To round off the online March
magazine, here is a
very Anglican carton
March 30th
Waterloo Anglican churches
April schedule is here
March 29th
The magazine feature 'From the
Registers' tells the tale of the arrival of Fr
Charles Billington here
March 28th
Notes and News for Mothering
Sunday week are here
March 25th
'Broad Church and Narrow
Church' - a pair of cartoons may be enjoyed in the
March 22nd
'The Person in the Pew' - a
poem to usher in the APCM is recycled for the
magazine here
Notes and News for this Sunday (The Annunciation)
and week are here
March 21st
Paula's sermon from last
Sunday is here
March 19th
Fr John's State of the Nation
report to the APCM is in the March Newslink pages
March 17th
The Annual Parish Report, now
given the PCC's imprimatur, may be devoured here
March 16th
The vicar's Lenten message is
the latest addition to the online magazine here
March 15th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Lent 2) and week following are here
March 13th
An entertaining secular rant
for Twitter-haters is in the magazine here
March 12th
'Remember that you are dust':
Fr Dennis's Ash Wednesday sermon is here
March 10th
Horsfall, father and son - a
window depicting our founder's father Robert
Horsfall, is in the magazine here
March 7th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(first of Lent) and week are here
March 6th
A sad week to record the
passing of Jackie Dale, Dave Clark and Norma
Turvey. May they all rest in peace and rise in
March 5th
A Sonnet for Ash Wednesday -
today's new page on the online diary is here
March 4th
Waterloo Anglican Churches
March bulletin is here
March 3rd
The second part of Fr Bill's
'Journey of Faith' may be read and enjoyed in the
latest addition to the March online magazine. It's
here - and not to be
March 1st
Opened the March online
magazine - first page is here
February 28th
A gentle cartoon is the final
page of the February online magazine. See it here
Notes and news for Sunday (next before Lent) and
week are here
February 26th
'Faithful Together' - Paula's
sermon from last Sunday is here
February 25th
An article and a
(hard-hitting) cartoon added to the online magazine pages
February 22nd
'Oops!' - assorted errors to
be found in our church. Unearth them in the
magazine - or here
February 21st
Notes and news for next Sunday
(2nd before Lent) are here
February 19th
A challenging poem worth a
second reading, is added to the online magazine here
February 17th
Bishop Paul's Rule of
Life - read about it in today's addition to the
online magazine
February 16th
Revd Denise's sermon of last
Sunday is presented here
February 15th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(3rd before Lent) and week following are here
February 14th
A piece of profound
theological exposition is added to the unfolding
February online Newslink. Read 'The Cat
sat on the Mat' here
February 12th
Fr Dennis's sermon from
February 2nd is ready for you here
February 11th
Apocalypse now? - smartphones
and the Anti-Christ. Today's update to the online
magazine is here
February 9th
A Curiosity and a Cartoon: two
entertainments uploaded to the magazine pages
February 7th
Quiz Night poster flagged up
on the magazine page - here
Notes and news for next Sunday (4th before Lent) here
February 5th
And another magazine article -
read a 'rant' from Denis G. here
February 4th
A nw article added to the
online incremental Newslink. Click here for the 'Your
Shape for God's Service' course details.
February 3rd
Paula's sermon from last
Sunday is online here
February 2nd
An old cartoon uploaded to
the online magazine -
with an explanation of the comedy and comment
policy (all the jokes and curiosities in one
February 1st
Lunch of the new-look online Newslink
journal. Read the opening pages of the
February issue here
January 31st
Notes and news for Candlemas
Sunday are here
January 30th
Fr Dennis's sermon of
January 20th is here today
January 26th
A dire warning - smartphones
and the Antichrist. Read it here
January 25th
It#s here at last: the January
2019 edition of Newslink is online here, with an important
announcement about the magazine's future on page
January 24th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Epiphany 4) and week following are here
January 23rd
A heavenly cartoon is to be
enjoyed here
January 21st
Disturbing statistics about
attacks on clergy. Read the report here
January 19th
'Holy Moses!' - another
topical cartoon on the jokes
January 18th
Fr John's sermon from last
Sunday is here
January 17th
Notes and news for this Sunday
and week following are here
January 15th
Joint January/February
Waterloo Anglican churches bulletin is herc
January 13th
Better late than never: the
Christmas midnight sermon is here
January 10th
Notes and news for Sunday
(Epiphany 2) and week following are here
January 4th
Short notes and news for
Epiphany Sunday are here.
(No service at St Faith's, remember)
January 3rd, 2019
As we wait for the coming of
the Magi, a topical cartoon may lighten the mood here
December 30th
An absurdity to be enjoyed on
the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' page
December 27th
Notes and news for next Sunday
are here
December 22nd
Belated updating of parish
directory (here) and
portraits (here) to
include the welcome addition of Fr Bill Matthews
December 20th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Advent 4) and Christmas week are here
December 14th
The third and final batch of
photographs from last week's Christmas Tree
Festival is finally here
December 12th
Fr John's sermon from last
Sunday is here
Notes and news for Sunday, and week following (and
Christmas services) are here
December 11th
The second gallery of photos
covering the highly successful Christmas Tree
Festival is here
December 10th
The first of a sequence of photos
covering the highly successful Christmas Tree Festival is
December 6th
Notes and News for next Sunday (2nd in
Advent) are here
December 3rd
Christmas schedule from the Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
December 1st
Fr Bill's first sermon at St Faith's
may be enjoyed here
November 29th
Full schedule of timing and events for
the Christmas Tree Festival is here
Notes and news for Advent Sunday and week are here
November 24th
A Capital Offence: read yet another
cautionary tale, this time for teachers and lecturers, here
November 23rd
Notes and news for next Sunday (Christ
the King) and week following are here
November 21st
Dear Sir or Madam - be entertained by
the story reproduced here
November 20th
Fr Dennis sermon from last Sunday is here
Flagged up the Christmas Tree Festival
- the flyer here and
our entry in the national events directory here
November 17th
Ups and downs in
churchgoing figures - read the report here
November 16th
Notes and news for next Sunday and
week following are here
November 13th
Wanted - a memorable word to describe
the persecution of Christians. Read the plea here
November 8th
Notes and news for Sunday and week are
here. Please note Remembrance
Sunday service starts at 10.45 am
November 7th
Is the BBC losing faith in religion?
Read the story here
November 6th
Flagged up forthcoming quiz night and
bangers and mash supper here
November 4th
Paula's sermon from yesterday is here today
November 3rd
A new cartoon uploaded to the jokes page
November 1st
Notes and News for next Sunday (All
Saints) and week are here
October 31st
November diary of events for
Waterloo churches online here
October 30th
An obituary with a difference: read
about episcopal shenanigans north of the border here
October 27th
You couldn't make it up - another
example of bizarre student behaviour here
October 26th
Paula's sermon from last Sunday is here
October 25th
Notes and news for Sunday and week are
October 22nd
A Canterbury Tale revisited - a
pointed cartoon to be enjoyed here
October 21st
Too many women taking services, says
woman bishop. Read it here
October 19th
Online edition of October 'Newslink'
is here
October 18th
Notes and news for Sunday (Trinity 21)
and week are here
October 17th
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is here
October 15th
More comical student 'snowflake'
antics here
October 13th
Poppycock at Cambridge University -
see the 'Curiouser and curiouser' page here
October 11th
Notes and news for next Sunday and
week are here
October 9th
Slow news week - so here's a nice little cartoon
to fill the gap
October 8th
Another timely cartoon on the subect
of dodgy church investments is here
October 5th
Connoisseurs of the absurd will enjoy
the stories reproduced on the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page. The more
forward thinking will doubtless find them entirely to
their liking. October 4th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
are here. NB Patronal High Mass
starts at 10.30 am!
Paula's Harvest Festival Sunday sermon
is here
October 3rd
The next Archbishop of York could be a
woman. Read the news here
October 1st
The Waterloo Anglican Churches bulletin
for October is here
September 29th
Archbishop out of step with the
man in the pew? A thought-provoking story from the
papers here
September 27th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Harvest
Festival) and week following are here
September 26th
Denise's sermon from last Sunday is here
September 25th
The canon in a coffin - here is a story about
fun and games in our cathedral
September 23rd
An article about the need for churches
to modernise or die is uploaded here
September 21st
'Everything including the
Kitchen Sink! Rick Walker writes about the Back of
Church development plans here
September 20th
Fred Nye's sermon from last Sunday is here
September 19th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
September 17th
A tombstone elegy for railway
enthusiasts may be enjoyed here
September 16th
Sermon by Fr Mark Waters at St Mary's
last Sunday is here
September 15th
A timely cartoon from Matt on the jokes page
September 13th
Notes and news for next week are here
September 12th
Unexpected good news for the C of E as young
people adopt the monastic life. Read about it here
September 8th
Fr Dennis's sermon preached last Sunday
is online here
September 6th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Blessed
Virgin Mary) and week following are here.
St Mry's 10.30am)
September 5th
Waterloo Anglican churches September
bulletin here
August 30th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
August 29th
Paula's sermon from last Sunday is
August 28th
A newspaper article with a local
connection may be read here
August 24th
A special Irish welcome to a visiting
Pope - suck it and see here
August 23rd
Notes and news for next Sunday posted here
August 22nd
Fr John's sermon, delivered last Sunday,
is here
August 21st
A sad story about Bishop James Jones's
alleged cover-up of child sex allegations is here
August 19th
The 'f'' word - churchwardens in trouble
in a salutary story here
August 18th
Last Sunday's sermon uploaded here
August 17th
Notes and news for next Sunday - Trinity
12 - and week are here
August 16th
The online edition of the latest Newslink
is here
August 12th
The news you've all been waiting for -
not just one but two updates to the online series trawling
through the service registers are here
August 11th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
August 9th
Notes and news for next Sunday -
Trinity 11 - and week following are here
August 8th
'In an English Country Garden' - words
and pictures from last Saturday's vicarage garden party are
August 3rd
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is here
August 2nd
'Jacala's Journey' - an inspiring story
from one of our young leaders - here
August 1st
Waterloo Churches' August bulletin here
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following here
July 29th
Next Saturday's concert is cancelled due
to Ian Dunning's indisposition. We wish him a speedy
July 28th
The Pope is urged by the government to
rethink the contraception ban - a thought-provoking story in
the papers here
July 26th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
9) and week following are here
July 24th
Fr Dennis's sermon on Mary Magdalene,
delivered last Sunday and here today
July 21st
It never rains but it pours - two
articles in the papers giving cause for concern: they're here
July 19th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Mary
Magdalene) and week are here
July 17th
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is here
July 16th
Grave matters: paying to pray in South
Wales graveyards. Read about it here
July 12th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
7) and week are here
July 11th
Praying for Peace a century after
the Great War - a welcome newspaper item here
July 10th
Paula's sermon from last Sunday is here
July 5th
Fred Nye's sermon from last Sunday is here
July 4th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
July 3rd
Waterloo Anglican Churches July bulletin
is here
June 30th
St Faith's Fabulous Four - awards for
our uniformed organisations' leaders are here
June 29th
Notes and news for week beginning this
Sunday are here
June 26th
Fr John's sermon on John the Baptist is
June 24th
A disturbing report highlighting growing
abuse of clergy is here
June 20th
Notes and news for week beginning next
Sunday are here
June 19th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
June 16th
Paula O'Shaughnessys' sermon preached
last Sunday and here today
June 15th
The papers have a different view on
G.K.Chesterton's suitability for canonisaton. Read a leading
R.C. writer's forthright view here.
June 14th
Notes and news for this coming Sunday
and week following are here
June 13th
Praying to Father Brown A new English
Saint waiting in the wings? It's What the Papers Say
June 10th
Congratulations to Gareth Griffiths for
being prevailed upon to become church warden!
June 9th
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is
available here
June 7th
The online edition of the June
'Newslink' is available here
June 5th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
June 3rd
The Blessed Sacrament: Revd Denise's
Corpus Christi sermon is here
June 1st
This month's schedule from the Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
May 31st
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
1) and week are here
May 30th
'Permission to pray?' another sign of
the times in a newspaper story reproduced here
May 28th
Fr Dennis's Trinity Sunday sermon is here
May 26th
Late News - a cartoon uploaded to the jokes page
May 24th
Fr John's Pentecost Sunday sermon is here
May 23rd
Notes and news for Trinity Sunday are here
May 22nd
Paula's sermon preached on May 13th is here
May 18th
Notes and news for Pentecost Sunday and
week are here
May 13th
A cheeky little cartoon here
May 11th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
May 6th
Paula's sermon from
last Sunday is here
May 3rd
Notes and news for Sunday and week are here (remember, no morning
service at St Faith's!)
May 2nd
A nice little story for all fans of the
episcopate is to be found here
May 1st
The monthly schedule of worship and
events across the Waterloo Anglican churches is here
April 29th
Ther last gap in the Saturday Concert
programme filled - and features the return of the
Crosby Clerics - here
April 28th
A cartoon which will entertain all
lovers of parish democracy at work in the good old C.of.E.-
April 26th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
are here
April 23rd
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is here for those who
(like me) missed it!
April 20th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
are here
April 17th
Fred Nye's sermon from last Sunday is here
April 13th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
April 12th
The online upload of the latest edition
of our church magazine Newsllnk is here
April 11th
A new cartoon uploaded here, which should appeal to
feminists of both genders
April 10th
Revd Denise's sermon from last Sunday is
April 7th
Fr Dennis's Easter morning sermon is here
April 6th
The final gallery - images of the Easter
services - is here
April 5th
Notes and news for next ('Low') Sunday
and week following here
April 4th
A bit late for Lent, but how about 'Low'
Sunday for this addition to the jokes
April 3rd
Images of the Maundy Thursday ad Good
Friday services here
April 2nd
April calendar from the Waterloo
Anglicnn Churches is here
April 1st
A sombre and thought-provoking article
about the decline of Christianity (especially Anglican) is
to be pondered upon here
March 29th
Notes and news for Easter Day and week
are here
March 28th
Paschal Triduum services flagged up,
with a link to a Maundy Thursday poem
March 27th
Summer Saturdays Concert Programme 2018
online here
March 26th
Images of the procession and liturgy of
Palm Sunday from yesterday's service are here
March 22nd
Notes and news for Palm Sunday and Holy
Week are here
March 20th
Full schedule of worship from Palm
Sunday to Easter Day linked from the front page
March 18th
Waterloo Anglican churches worship
schedule for Holy Week and Easter is here
March 13th
Notes and news for Passion Sunday and
week here
March 9th
Fred Nye's sermon delivered last Sunday
and here today
March 8th
Notes and news for Mothering Sunday and
week following are here
March 7th
An old joke worth recycling is to be
found on the jokes page
March 4th
Waterloo Anglican Churches' calendar for
March is here
March 3rd
The Annual Report for 2017 may be
enjoyed here, in advance
of tomorrow's A.P.C.M.
March 2nd
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is here
March 1st
Notes and news for next Sunday (3rd of
Lent) are here
February 27th
Belated uploading of Fr John's Ash
Wednesday sermon here
February 22nd
Notes and news for next Sunday (2nd of
Lent) are here
February 21st
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
February 19th
Paula O'Shaughnessy's sermon delivered
on February 11th is here
February 15th
Newslink magazine for (January and!)
February now online here
February 14th
Notes and news for next Sunday are here
February 13th
Protocol for midwives - don't mention a
big baby. Entertainment here
February 8th
Notes and news for next Sunday (11th)
and the start of Lent are here
February 6th
The latest chapter in the interminable
archive and commentary on our church registers is here
February 2nd
Waterloo Anglican Churches' February
events calendar here
February 1st
Note and news for next Sunday
and the week following are here
January 31st
If you don't know what 'faffy' means,
neither does Bishop Pete! All made clear here
January 29th
Fr John's Candlemas sermon from
yesterday here today
January 26th
Groping for an answer? Cartoonist Matt
hits the spot here
January 25th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Candlemas) and week are here
January 23rd
An old cartoon recycled to lighten the
prevailing gloom - here
January 19th
An unhappy story of episcopal strife is
reported here
January 18th
Notes and news for this Sunday and week
following here
January 15th
Thanks to the vicar, here is an entertaining, though
obviously inapplicable, cartoon about sermons.
January 11th
Notes and news for this Sunday and week
following here
Updates (in red) to various
contact details in the online parish directory are here
January 4th
Notices for Sunday and week are here. Don't forget - no morning
service at St Faith's this Sunday
January 3rd
'God rest ye merry, gentlefolk'?
Read about the latest absurdity here
January 1st, Anno Domini 2018
Fr John's sermon: preached
yesterday and here today
December 31st
Changes to weekday services for this
week flagged up here
Schedule of worship and events for
Waterloo churches for January are here
December 28th
Notes and news for Sunday and week are here
December 27th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday
morning is here
December 26th
Modern school nativity plays are
pants! All is explained here
December 23rd
'Dead silent' - a new cartoon on the
jokes page here
December 22nd
Notes and news from Sunday and for
Christmas week are here
December 21st
The December issue of Newslink
is online here
December 19th
Fr John's sermon from last Sunday is here
December 14th
Notes and news for Sunday (Advent 3) and
week are here
Flagged up Morning Prayer service now instituted at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wenesdays and Thursdays
December 12th
'Son et Lumiere' - the final page of
photos of the 2017 Christmas Tree Festival are here
December 11th
The Pope and the Lord's Prayer - read
about it here
December 8th
'Listen to the Band!' = the third page
of photos from the Festival, full of sounding brass, is here
December 7th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Advent
4) are here
December 6th
'Ready, Steady, Go!' - pictures from
Saturday and Sunday, as the Christmas Tree Festival gets
under way, are here
December 5th
'Trust me - I'm a priest? Not according
to a new opinion poll to be found here
December 4th
Fr John's Advent Sunday sermon is here
December 2nd
First Tree Festival gallery and bulletin
has just been posted here
November 30th
Notes and news for Advent Sunday and
Christmas Tree Festival week here
November 29th
Waterloo Churches' diary for December and
Christmas online here
November 27th
Fr Dennis's sermon on the feast of
Christ the King is here
November 26th
Absurdity reaches new heights in the
latest addition to the 'curiouser
and curiouser' page
November 24th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Christ
the King) and week are here
November 23rd
Fr John's 'accidie' sermon from last
Sunday is here - if
you can be bothered (read it and you'll understand! Ed.)
November 22nd
Belated replacement of Fr John (photo
and story) on the Ministry Team portraits page here
November 20th
Instatement of Thursday mid-week
eucharists flagged up here
November 19th
A.B.C. or C.E.O? -a thought-provoking
report is to be pondered upon here
November 17th
Oxford scholars' gowns under attack:
read about it here and wonder
at an uncharacteristic editorial rant
November 16th
Notes and news for Sunday and week are here
Denise's Remembrance Day sermon from last Sunday is here
November 15th
Anglican boys can wear tutus and
skirts... or so the C of E says here
November 14th
A nice little joke recycled for your
enjoyment here
November 10th
Notes and news for Remembrance Sunday
and week here
Newslink for October and
November finally online here
November 6th
Fr John Reed's inaugural sermon at St
Faith's is here
November 3rd
November diary for the Waterloo Anglican
Churches is here
November 2nd
Denise's baptism sermon from last Sunday
is online here
November 1st
The remaining photos of the induction
are uploaded here
October 31st
The interregnum is over and we have an
incumbent at last. Rushed upload of photos here - more to come in due
course. Laus Deo!
October 26th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following here
October 25th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
October 23rd
Twitter ye not! More Christians
online than in the pews: read about it here
October 22nd
Curiouser and curioser - students warned
that Shakespeare may upset them. Read this absurdity here
October 21st
An all too topical cartoon is posted here
October 20th
Paula's sermon from last Sunday online here
October 19th
Notes and news for week beginning next
Sunday here
October 17th
Crossing out the cross -another
ludicrous happening to be read in the 'Curiouser and Curiouser'
October 14th
Persecuted Christians - at Oxford!
Read the story here
October 13th
Notes and news for next Sunday here
October 12th
'Hunger and thirst after righteousness'
- pictures of the patronal lunch which followed last
Sunday's High Mass are here
October 11th
Preaching the Patronal - Fr Michael
Raynor made a comeback last Sunday - read it here
October 9th
Pictures of the splendid High Mass of
Saint Faith are here
October 6th
Greetings to all on the Feast Day of St
Faith's. Notes and news for the coming week are here
October 5th
'More TV, vicar? - an encouraging story
in the 'What the papers
say' pages
October 3rd
Fred Nye's sermon from last Sunday is
available here
October 2nd
October Waterloo Anglican Churches'
bulletin online here
October 1st
A nice little entertainment on the jokes page
September 30th
'Foul play on the chicken run' - another
almost too-good-to-be-true story on the curiouser and curiouser page
September 29th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
are here
September 25th
Sharp elbows in the choir - problems
down south highlighted here
September 23rd
A wake-up call with a difference on the
jokes page
September 21st
Notes and news for next Sunday (harvest
and parade) here
September 20th
Ancient and Modern: a sign of the times
in 'what the papers say' - here
September 19th
The Genesis of a cartoon is here
September 18th
Sermon preached yesterday by Revd Denise
is here
September 15th
Paula's sermon from 27th August uploaded
September 14th
Notes and news for week beginning Sunday
are here
September 10th
Gloomy news on declining church
membership in a survey reported here
September 7th
'Newslink' online edition for August and
September is here
September 6th
Summary notices for next Sunday are here - no service at St Faith's
this coming Sunday
September 5th
'Turning the world upside down' - Fr
Dennis sermon from last Sunday is here
September 2nd
Waterloo Churches September posting is here
September 1st
The official cathedral photos of
Jackie's ordination are here
August 31st
Flagged up tomorrow's concert here
Notes and news for coming Sunday here
August 30th
No more retakes on Songs of Praise. Read
the story here
August 28th
Uploaded photos and funeral tribute to
Alex Zimak, R.I.P. here
Joan Fell died yesterday in Aintree Hospital. May she rest
now in peace
August 26th
'Sleepers Awake!' a salutary tale on the
jokes page
August 24th
Notes and news for the coming Sunday and
week following are here
August 21st
High Water Mark? Record communicant
figures in 1959/69 recorded in the latest instalment of
register probing - here
August 20th
A gentle smile at lady bishops is
recycled here
August 18th
'Living by Faith': Fr Dennis's sermon
from last Sunday is here
August 17th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
August 14th
The text of a detailed account of his
life and background, supplied for Newslink by Fr
John, is posted here
August 11th
Bats in the belfry - a messy church
story to be found here
August 10th
Next Sunday's notes and news are here
August 9th
Fred Nye's transfiguring sermon preached
last Sunday is here
August 8th
Looking north with Bishop North - a
stinging critique of ' effete southerners' is here
August 7th
A lovely little cartoon on the jokes page (bear with it)
August 6th
Denise's golfing parables sermon from
last Sunday is here
August 1st
A snapshot of three busy days - images
of two concerts and a cake are here
July 31st
Provisional notes and news for next
Sunday are here
July 30th
August posting for the Waterloo Group
Churches is here
July 28th
Listen to Rev Jackie being interviewed
for the Diocesan website - scroll down for
a link to a five minute sound file here
July 27th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
July 26th
Fr Dennis's sermon, delivered last
Sunday, redelivered today
July 24th
To mark the 600th posting on the jokes
page, a much cherished earlier offering is recycled here
July 21st
Notes and news for next week are here
July 20th
The July online edition of Newslink
- with added bonus material at the end - is online here
July 19th
Paula's sermon preached last Sunday is here
July 18th
A photograph of Fr John Reed added to
the front page here
July 14th
A heart-warming message from 'Rev
Jackie' added to the latest page recording here ordination
and after. It's here
July 13th
Notes and news for week beginning next
Sunday are here
July 12th
Background information on our
vicar-in-waiting may be perused here
July 11th
A nice little cartoon uploaded here
July 10th
Mitre cuts? - episcopal headgear under
attack here
July 9th
Full text of this morning's announcement
in church is now here
'Habemus Vicarius'. Our next incumbent's appointment was
announced this morning. News flash here
- more to follow!
July 8th
The final page of photos and tributes
marking the ordination of the newly Reverend Jackie Parry is
to be enjoyed here
July 7th
Notes and news for week beginning next
Sunday are here
July 5th
'Promises, promises...' Fred Nye's
sermon preached last Sunday is here
July 4th
"South and North: Bushey and Chorley"
- Fr Neil's silver jubilee gallery and his
surprise announcement here
July 3rd
July bulletin from Waterloo Anglican
Churches is here
July 2nd
Good news on ordinations locally and
nationally here
July 1st
An irreverent cartoon released from an
embargo and unashamedly posted here
June 30th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
June 29th
Photo gallery from last Sunday's
ordination service and parish lunch is posted here. Any other words or
pictures very welcome.
June 28th
Churchgoers now more liberal on moral
and sexual issues than Church leaders, a survey proclaims.
Read it here
June 27th
Daily drip-feed of photos as a
preliminary to the Jackie gallery
June 25th
To mark the ordination this day of our
Jackie to the diaconate, an entertaining cartoon is
definitely worth accessing here
June 24th
More young people coming to church, they
say - read about it here
June 23rd
As there is no service at St Faith's
this coming Sunday, an abbreviated notes and news is here
June 22nd
A pardonable pun, surely, in the
latest addition to the jokes page collection here
June 21st
'Do this in remembrance': Fr Dennis's
Corpus Christi sermon is here
June 20th
Yet another oddity on the 'curiouser and
curiouser' page. Read the example of lavatory humour here
June 19th
Fr Dennis's Trinity Sunday sermon is here
June 17th
Another story you couldn't make up - see
'Rewriting History' on the 'Curiouser and Curiouser' page here
June 16th
Notes and news for Sunday and week
following are here
June 14th
The May/June issue of Newslink is
uploaded here
June 12th
A nice little cartoon, with one of the
editor's more insufferable captions here
June 10th
'Such a jolly entertainment' - the story
of St Faith's Diamond Jubilee junketings is told here
June 9th
Notes and news for Trinity Sunday and week
are here
June 8th
Election day interlude: Don Bosco's
missing brain fragment alert. Click here
June 5th
Cathedrals are doing well because they
don't 'bang on about God'. Read the story here
June 2nd
Notes and news for Pentecost Sunday and
week are here
May 31st
Waterloo Anglican Churches' bulletin for
June is here
May 30th
Slightly less belated uploading of Fr
Dennis's Ascension Day sermon - here
May 28th
Belated uploading of Fr Dennis's sermon
from a week ago - here
May 26th
Yet more upbeat news about the C of E -
investments paying big dividends. Read about it here
May 25th
Notes and news for Sunday after the
Ascension and week following are here
May 24th
Pray for the people of Manchester - a
poignant cartoon in loving memory of those who died or
suffered is here
May 22nd
Confirming the Good News for the Cof E -
some mildly encouraging statistics on confirmation here
May 19th
Notes and news for Sunday and week
following here
May 17th
'A Summer of Music' - posters
advertising a wealth of music events in the next few mont'hs
at St Faith's and elsewhere may be accessed from the home
page or here
May 16th
'What the papers say' - and it's mildly
encouraging news for the good old C of E. Here it is
May 15th
Yesterday's sermon by Revd Denise is here
May 12th
Timely as ever, Matt comments here on the leaked Labour
manifesto (other manifestos are available)
May 11th
Notes and news for Sunday and week
following here
May 9th
A brief but entertaining grass roots
political story to be seen here
May 8th
'Lovely jubbly!' - funerals with a
difference are in fashion. Read about them here
May 4th
No morning service at St Faith's this coming
Sunday. Abbreviated notes and news here
May 3rd
Progress at last on the long process of
finding a new incumbent. News of the advert's publication
and associated information is here
April 30th
Waterloo Churches May bulletin is here
April 29th
Another fine story from the land of
sensitive students - wonder at it here
April 27th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week
following are here
April 25th
Paula O'Shaughnessy's sermon from last
Sunday is here
April 24th
Photo gallery: Lent and Easter at St
Faith's here and
from the front page
April 22nd
Feel the heat with an addition to the
jokes page here
April 21st
Notes and news for Low Sunday and week
are here
April 20th
Not a day too soon, you may well think,
the March/April edition of Newslink is online here
April 19th
'Windows into Heaven' - Fr Dennis's
Easter Day sermon is here
April 15th
A timely and gently entertaining
addition to the jokes page here -not
to be missed!
April 14th
The Church Registers saga is heading for
the Swinging Sixties - read it here
April 13th
Notes and news for Easter Day and week
are here
April 10th
The Holy Week and Easter bulletin for
the Waterloo Anglican Churches is here
April 9th
The early Bath for Mattins: no more
morning prayer at the Abbey. The story is here
April 7th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Palm
Sunday) and Holy Week are here
April 6th
'Dry Bones and New Life' - Fr Dennis's
sermon preached last Sunday, here today
April 5th
Easter egg on their faces - the National
Trust in trouble on the jokes page
April 4th
The programme of Saturday concerts for
the season beginning on April 22nd is linked from the front
page and here
April 3rd
APCM pages: updated index to all Annual
Parish Meetings is here;
the 2017 Chairman's remarks are here
The Waterloo Anglican Churches' joint bulletin for April is
April 2nd
The latest addition to the cartoon
collection may be accessed here
April 1st
Despite the date, this latest outbreak
of political correctness is genuine. Marvel at it here
March 29th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Passion
Sunday) are here
March 28th
A happier press story for the episcopacy
- a bishop for the ethnic minorities - is here
March 24th
An entertaining cartoon, filling the
vacuum for Lady Bishops, is here
March 23rd
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Mothering Sunday) are here
March 21st
Fr Dennis's watery sermon preached the
day before yesterday and uploaded today, here
March 18th
Lent, Holy Week and Easter worship
schedule from tomorrow through to Easter Day is here
March 17th
A tribute by Fr Peter and Margaret
Goodrich to the late Bishop Michael Henshall linked from the
home page and here
March 16th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Lent 4)
are here
March 14th
'Doctor Nicodemus' - Fred Nye's sermon
preached last Sunday is to be read here
March 12th
Bishop Philip North (who paid us a visit
a while back) is in the news again. Read a sad saga of
uncharitable utterances and pusillanimous leadership here (click on the
'Bishop's Move' story)
March 10th
Paula O' Shaughnessy's sermon last
Sunday is here
March 9th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Lent 2)
are here
March 8th
The official report to the diocese for
2016 is here (in advance
of the APCM on 19th March)
March 7th
'Students accused of intellectual
vandalism': another hackles-raising report here
March 5th
An addition to the 'What the Papers Say'
archive, which will doubtless polarise readers' reactions.
It's here
March 4th
Fr Dennis's Ash Wednesday sermon is here
March 2nd
Notes and news for next Sunday (Lent 1)
are here
March 1st
Fr Dennis's sermon preached last Sunday
is here
February 27th
Waterloo Anglican Churches monthly
bulletin for March is here
February 26th
A controversial item added to the 'What the papers say'
pages. Unpardonable attempt to rewrite history or a triumph
for anti-racists?
February 25th
Online edition of the February Newslink
is available here (just
before the end of the month, what's more)
February 23rd
Notes and news for next Sunday (1st before Lent)
are here
February 21st
'Give her an Oscar!' Paula's sermon
preached last Sunday is here
(blame me for the title, not her, please...)
February 18th
Notes and news for tomorrow and week following belatedly
posted here
February 16th
Matt hits the spot again following the
thwarting of the bishops at General Synod yesterday - share
the mirth here
February 15th
'Hard Words' - Revd Denise's sermon
preached last Sunday is here
February 12th
The Bears of Bedale - the installation of Faith Bear at St
Gregory's, Bedale, pictured here
February 9th
Notes and news for next Sunday (3rd
before Lent) and week following are here
February 8th
The latest chapter in the story of our
registers is here
February 7th
Sad news of the death of Bishop Michael
Henshall, who with his family was for many years connected
to St Faith's. Read the Liverpool Diocese's report on our
facebook page:
February 6th
Fred's no less memorable sermon preached
yesterday and here today
February 3rd
Fr Dennis's memorable sermon 'Nunc
Dimittis' , with illustration by Bellini, is uploaded here
February 2nd
Notes and news for next Sunday (4th
before Lent) and week following are here
February 1st
A little smile on the jokes page here
January 31st
The February bulletin from the Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
January 30th
A fine example of modern thinking: see
'Mum's the Word?' here
January 26th
Notes and news for Sunday (Candlemas)
and week following are here
January 24th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
January 20th
Notes and news for next Sunday posted here
Paula O'Shaughnessy's sermon preached
last Sunday, here today
January 18th
A cartoon for churchwardens is recycled
January 13th
Read about Good Queen Bess's royal skirt
at a rural St Faith's - and maybe not the St Faith we know
and love. An entertaining story, whimsically entitled
'skirting round St Faith' is here
January 12th
Notes and news for Sunday and week
following are here
January 9th
Another politically correct story to
raise hackles and reinforce stereotypes is to be found here
January 6th
A smile for the Feast of the
Epiphany is here
January 5th
'What's in a Name?' - Jackie Parry's New
Year's Day sermon is here
January 4th
Summary notes and news for the next ten
days or so are here (no service
at SF this coming Sunday)
January 3rd
What was to have been the December
magazine is reborn for the New Year as the January issue. Here it is
January 2nd, 2017
Waterloo Anglican Churches' January
bulletin is here
Every good wish for 2017 to all friends and visitors
December 30th
Fr Dennis's Christmas morning sermon is
December 29th
Notes and News for next Sunday and week
following here
December 27th
Denise's Christmas midnight sermon sees
the light of day here
December 25th
A happy and peaceful Christmas to all
friends and visitors. A timely cartoon for the day is here
December 22nd
A brief burst of 'Wachet Af' is now
linked from the front page
Notes and news for Christmas week are here
December 21st
'Questions and Answers' - Fr Dennis's
sermon preached last Sunday is here
December 20th
'Hark a Thrilling Voice is Sounding '
uploaded via the front page link
December 19th
Counting down to Christmas - our choir
sing Advent hymns and carols, the first of which can be
heard by following the link from the front page here
December 18th
Let daily Mattins begin' - the saga of
the parish registers reaches 1958, here
December 16th
'The King and the Kingdom': Fr Dennis's
sermon preached last Sunday, is here
December 15th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Advent
4) and week following are here
December 14th
A seasonal cartoon on the jokes page (with an obscure
December 12th
Bishop Philip North speaks up for
patriotism and family values in a hard-hitting polemic here
December 11th
A seasonal addition to he jokes page here
December 9th
'Hope for a New Start' - Fred Nye's
sermon preached last Sunday is here
December 8th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Advent
3) are here
December 7th
'Skiffling and sweeping up': the final
set of photos and words from the 2016 Christmas Tree
Festival is here
December 6th
'Singalong sessions' - pictures from
Christmas Tree Festival events last week - here
December 5th
Better late than never, the editor
trusts, the November online ediion of Newlink is
finally available here
December 4th
'Patronal Indulgence' - worth waiting
for Fr Mike Finlay's sermon of October 9th last! Remember it
December 3rd
'Listen to the Band!' - photographic
record of Wednesday's fine carols and brass event are here
December 2nd
'Coming! Ready or Not?' Matt hits the
spot again on the jokes page
December 1st
Notes and news for next Sunday (Advent
2) and week following are here
The daily routine of the Christmas Tree Festival is recorded
November 30th
Waterloo Anglican Churches December
schedule is here
November 29th
'Everything Coaming Together' (Advent
play on words!) - the happenings of Advent Sunday are
recorded here
November 28th
'Wot - no trees?'... the first pictures
from the 2016 Christmas Tree Festival - the tale of the
non-appearing Trees! See them (or not) here
November 25th
Getting Really Incensed: a timely
cartoon from Matt is to be enjoyed here
November 24th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Advent) and the week following
are here
November 22nd
A Tale of Teddy Bears and Tea Towels - updated upload of
everything to do with the animals is here
November 20th
Sermon preached at St Faith's yesterday
by Archdeacon Pete Spiers is here
November 19th
Announcing the arrival of the Teddy
Bear presentation tea towel and guide booklet - on
sale in church for £6 - here
November 18th
Bear with us - the 21st Teddy (Hilda
Ogdeena Cleaner!) brings up the rear on the bear necessities
parade. See her here
November 17th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following (Christ the King) are here
November 16th
Dates, times and events for the
Christmas Tree Festival week are here
November 14th
Yet more amazing revelations from the
church registers of the 1950s - including a flu epidemic and
thick fog. It's all not happening here
November 12th
'Children of the Resurrection' -
Denise's sermon preached last Sunday available here
November 11th
Notes and news for next Sunday and week following
are here
November 9th
PROVISIONAL Notes and news for next
Sunday and week following are here. Don't forget 10.30 am start - Remembrance Sunday
November 8th
'More Goat, Vicar? - another terrible
addition to the jokes page here
November 7th
Gerry the Sacristan Bear - late for the
service but uploaded on the Bear Necessities page - here
Another late arrival: Fr Dennis's sermon, reached on October
16th, uploaded today - here
November 6th
Crsoby Symphony Orchestra concert
schedule for 2016/2017 season is here
'Curtains for Aida?' - political
correctness gone mad (!) in the Curiouser and Curiouser
archive, here
November 4th
All the rest of the bears are now
portrayed and described here
November 3rd
Notes and news for next Sunday (3rd
before Advent) are here
'The Tax Collector and the Pharisee' - a sermon by Jackie
Parry is here
November 2nd
Teddy the Beaver Cub Bear is the latest
to take a bow on the Bear Necessities page- here
November 1st
Ducking the issue - a story for litter
louts is uploaded here
October 31st
'Church is so bland, laments retiring
Dean' - read (and possibly agree?) in 'What the papers say'
October 29th
November schedule of worship and
activities for the four Waterloo Anglican churches is here
October 28th
Announcement posted on home page
following last Monday's interviewing of prospective
Notes and news for next Sunday (All Saints) are here
October 27th
Bonnie the Brownie Bear introduces
herself here
October 26th
An unlikely tale of a burglar and a
parrot may be enjoyed here
October 25th
Rosie the Rainbow Bear takes a bow here
October 24th
'Lavatory Break ' a salutary tale from
gaol is to be enjoyed here.
Also changes to the home page uploaded
October 23rd
Featuring Flora Dora the Flower Bear -
the latest addition to the Bear Necessities gallery here
October 22nd
'All Together Now! - pictures from last
night's A Capella Extravaganza are here
October 20th
Notes and news for next Sunday (last
after Trinity) and week following are here
October 19th
At last, the October Newlink is
published. Online edition is here
October 18th
A whimiscal tale about squirrels on the
jokes page
October 17th
The letter of support and encouragement from the Bishop of
Liverpool, delivered by the Archdeacon in church yesterday,
may be read here
October 14th
'If you go down to the woods today...' - headline features
about our Teddy Bears are on the Liverpool Diocese websites,
linked from here
October 13th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
21) and week following are here
October 11th
Introducing Herbert the Choir Bear - see
him here
October 9th
'Bring on the bears!' - photos of
yesterday's colourful and possibly unique patronal
celebrations at St Faith's are here
October 7th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Patronal
Festival) and week following are here
Updated photos and information about Corporal Jones bear,
now on duty, are here
October 6th
Patronal greetings on the Feast Day of
Saint Faith, Virgin and Martyr. Celebrate with Fr Dennis's
sermon preached last Sunday, here
October 5th
Introducing Prudence, the PCC Secretary
Bear, who is looking understandably flustered. She's here.
October 4th
A heavenly referendum cartoon here
October 3rd
Meet Nigella Pawson the catering bear here
October 1st
'A Wing and a Prayer'. Enjoy a rather
sweet little story on the jokes
September 29th
Thee 'F' Word again. Read about
insufficiently uncomfortable church seating on the 'Curiouser and Curiouser' page
September 28th
Notes and news for next Sunday
(Michaelmas) and week following are here
September 27th
Registering R.A.K.Runcie - a further
chapter in the Saga of the Registers added here
September 26th
Introducing Alice the Chalice - the
latest bear to feature in the growing menagerie. See her here.
September 25th
A cartoon for the electronic age is here
September 22nd
Notes and news for
next Sunday (Harvest, St Francis and Parade) and week
following are here
September 21st
Fr Dennis's sermon preached last Sunday
is online here
September 18th
Wrong bus? Belated update (with correct
bus services!) to the instructions for travelling to St
Faith's now posted here.
Apologies to any stranded elsewhere.
September 17th
'What's all this? A woman pope coming
down the tracks?' An entertaining addition to the 'What the
papers say' archive is here
September 16th
The Bishop's Back... see the cartoon on
the jokes page
September 15th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
17) and week following are here
September 9th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
16) and the week following are here
September 7th
The September online edition of our
magazine Newslink is here
September 5th
'True Discipleship': Denise's sermon
preached yesterday is here
September 4th
An update to the story of Joseph Bell
and the Titanic is here
September 2nd
James the Churchwarden Bear introduces
himself on the Bear
Necessities page
Sptember 1st
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
August 31st
September diary of events for Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
August 29th
It's all gone quiet just now - time to
recycle an old cartoon or two. Here's
August 26th
The latest episode of the Church
Register saga - Elizabeth Taylor at St Faith's. It's here
August 24th
Notes and news for
next Sunday and the week following are here
August 23rd
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
August 21st
Flagged up the arrival of Angie the
Superbear, on the front page and here
August 19th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
August 17th
Fred Nye's sermon from last Sunday is
available here
August 15th
Alleluia! The Diocese has uploaded the
job advert, parish profiles and associated bumf for the
vacancy here
August 13th
The latest addition to the jokes page is
August 12th
Updates and corrections to online Diary
of Events - access via front page
August 11th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
August 9th
Cheerful statistics on Christianity for
once, according to a report here
August 7th
'Appy Days'? - electronic initiatives
for the good old C of E reported here
August 4th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
August 3rd
'Growth Conversation': the Liverpool
Diocese's frank statement of decline and retrenchment makes
interesting reading. See it here
August 1st
Grave Matters - a cartoon uploaded here
July 31st
August diary for Waterloo Anglican
Churches here
July 30th
Updated the Teddy Bear Trail pages with
the impending arrival of Corporal Jones bear - here!
July 29th
Notes and news for
next Sunday and the week following are here
July 28th
Two for the Price of one - the
July/August edition of Newslink is here
July 27th
'Father, forgive...' - Fred Nye's sermon
from last Sunday is here
July 24th
A surely unwarranted slur on the
monastic life is here
July 23rd
'Martha and Mary' - Fr Dennis sermon
from last Sunday, is here
July 22nd
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
July 19th
The latest instalment in the endless
saga of the church registers is here
July 18th
The All-Age Parish Dinner - pictures
from last Sunday's event are here
July 16th
'Neighbours': Fred Nye's sermon,
preached last Sunday and here today
July 14th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
July 11th
'Open and Shut?' - a wry look at an old
game is here
July 8th
Notes and news for next Sunday and the
week following are here
July 6th
The Deanery 'Do' - pictures from last
Sunday's South Sefton Deanery joint eucharist at Old Christ
Church, Waterloo, are to be seen here
July 4th
'The Vicar's Knickers' - an irresistible
addition to the eccentric news items on our 'curiouser and
curiouser' page is here
July 2nd
Outline information for week beginning
Sunday 3rd July is here-
remember there's no morning service at St Faith's (Deanery
service at Old Christ Church)
July 1st
'The Bear Necessities' - the first
chapter of the story of Joseph Bear is here
June 28th
An ironic little cartoon on the jokes page
June 27th
Denise's sermon, 'No Looking Back',
preached yesterday, is here
June 25th
Waterloo Anglican Churches bulletin for
July is here
June 23rd
IN? OUT? (shake it all about). Either
way, the delayed June issue of Newslink is here
June 22nd
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
5) and week following are here
June 21st
'Pity the poor pigs!' - Fr Dennis's
sermon from last Sunday is here
June 18th
Bishop Bayes and same-sex partnerships -
an encouraging report here
June 17th
Notes and news for next Sunday (Trinity
4) and week following are here
June 16th
'A Right Royal Weekend' - retrospective
words on events in London and Crosby - here
June 14th
'Cub Cakes All Round' - the rest of the
pictorial highlights from yesterday's celebrations - are here
June 13th
Words, and a first batch of photos,
reporting on yesterday's Queen's Birthday joint service and
junketings - here
June 11th
A gentle smile to lighten the day on the
jokes page
June 9th
Notes and news for Sunday and the
following week are here. Joint
Churches' Sunday service 10.30 am, then Parish Picnic
('If wet, in the Hall!)
June 8th
Catholic parishes for the Chop: the R.C.
Bishop of Salford proposes halving the number of churches in
his Manchester diocese. Read about it here
June 7th
Another gloomy take on the future of the
good old C of E. Read 'Crumbly Clergy' here
June 6th
The rest of Kathy's pictures from the
Expedition to the East End are here. Captions and the
day's story coming soon.
June 5th
A solution to the problem of people
nodding off during sermons. Read about it here
June 4th
Kathy Zimak's pictures of Sue's
installation in the East End are here.
June 3rd
Notes and news for
the week beginning next Sunday (Trinity 2) are here
May 31st
Another episode in the long-running saga
of gleanings from the service registers of our church - now
at 1951. Read it here
May 30th
Another gentle smile from St Gargoyle's
(whom God preserve) here
May 29th
June diary of events for the Waterloo
Anglican Churches is here
May 28th
A timely recycling of a sideways look at
censorship - not without possible relevance here. It's here
May 26th
Blowing the whistle on blowing the
whistle. You couldn't make it up - click here
May 25th
Notes and news for the week beginning
next Sunday (Trinity 1) are here
May 24th
Another intriguing piece from the
papers: read about the Virtual Sacraments scheme in Scotland
May 23rd
Talking about the Trinity: Paula's
sermon, preached yesterday, here today
May 22nd
Christianity facing extinction in Iraq -
read the sad story here
May 20th
Go to church and live longer - read the
story here
May 19th
Notes and news for week beginning this
Trinity Sunday are here
iMay 18th
The May edition of Newslink is here
May 17th
There's too much Christianity on the BBC
says a report. Read the depressing piece here
May 13th
Luckily, we have the full Summer
Saturday Concert schedule for 2016 here
May 12th
Notes and news for week beginning this
Sunday (Pentecost) are here
May 11th
'Evengong' and the poorly ladies - the
latest cullings from the service books are here
May 10th
Fred Nye's earthquake sermon from last
Sunday is here
May 9th
Flagged up two special events at St
Faiths' this week: 'Dying Matters' with Barringtons funeral
directors here and the
Liverpool Bach Collective evensong and cantata here
May 7th
Denise's Ascension Day sermon has gone
up online here
May 5th
Notes and News for week beginning this
Sunday are here
May 4th
A genteel Anglican cartoon here. Oh, and it's Star Wars
Day... May the Fourth be with you!
May 2nd
May worship and events bulletin from the
Anglican Churches in Waterloo is here
April 29th
The 2016 Summer Saturday concert series
starts this Saturday. The schedule for the first five
recitals is here
April 28th
Notes and
News for week beginning this Sunday are here
April 27th
In the wake of the long-awaited
Hillsborough inquest verdicts, a tribute in prose and verse
is uploaded here
April 25th
'God alone sufficeth' - Paula
O'Shaughnessy's sermon preached yesterday, here today
April 23rd
It's all gone very quiet. Time to
recycle an old cartoon here
April 21st
Notes and News for week beginning this
Sunday (now St George) are here
April 20th
The aforementioned sermon is now
available here
April 19th
'Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness'
- a possibly unique sermon, and pictures of us tucking in to
Sunday's lunch in the hall. See it here
April 18th
Experimental launch of Google Calendar
as St Faith's dairy of worship and events. Try it here
April 17th
Somewhat belatedly, the April magazine
is online here
April 16th
St Gargoyle's raises a smile again here
April 14th
The new look
Notes and News for week beginning next Sunday
(Easter 4) are here
April 13th
The latest music report from Robert
Woods (all about Gregorian Chant) is here
April 12th
'Alleluia is our song' - Fr Dennis's
sermon from last Sunday is here
April 11th
'Lovely Jubbly' - more about the
1950 Jubilee in the registers saga here
April 10th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is
uploaded here
April 9th
A welcome addition to the ordinands'
stories. Margaret Dixon (Goodwin as was!) tells her tale here
April 6th
Notes and news for week beginning next
Sunday (Easter 3) are here
April 5th
The order of service used at Sue's
farewell is here
And her final sermon is here
April 4th
The photo gallery of yesterday's
momentous events is posted here
April 2nd
Sue's Easter Day sermon is uploaded here
April 1st
No fooling - three Holy Week sermons on
one page uploaded here
March 31st
Consolidated Lent and Easter galleries
index here; new schedule
for Easter Tuesdays here
Notes and news for Low Sunday week are here
March 30th
The resurrected Stations of the
Resurrection are here
The notes and news for the current week are here - apologies for the delay
March 29th
The final picture gallery - the Easter
Vigil and Easter morning - is here
March 28th
The April bulletin from the Waterloo
Anglican churches is here
March 27th
Easter greetings to all friends and
visitors. Pictures from Good Friday and Holy Saturday now
online here
March 26th
The picture gallery for Maundy Thursday
is hung up here
March 25th
A gentle joke for Good Friday is here
March 23rd
Taking Christianity out of Easter (well,
Easter eggs anyway). Read about it here
March 22nd
A page of poetry for Holy Week and
Easter is here. Several verses
are by the editor: other poets are available ...
March 21st
Picturing the Palm Procession - Sunday's
happenings from the hall to the church are here -
March 20th
To mark Palm Sunday and the start of
Holy Week, a new set of higher resolution photographs of the
Stations of the Cross at St Faith's are posted here
March 19th
Thumbs Down in Heaven? A pleasing
cartoon to enjoy here
March 16th
Notes and
news for the week beginning this Palm Sunday are here.
and Correctness - another fine addition to the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page here
March 15th
The Waterloo Anglican Churches'
e-bulletin for March is here,
and for Easter here
The complete documentation from last
Sunday's Annual Parochial Church Meeting is here
March 14th
'Pray connect me, vicar' - a vision of
the future here
March 13th
Sue's sermon today for you to read this
afternoon - here
March 11th
The ABC speaks out about immigration and
racism in 'What the papers say' - here
March 10th
Notes and news for the week beginning
this Passion Sunday are here
March 9th
Sue's penultimate letter to the
congregation, as published in the current magazine (q.v.) is
also here - and
linked to earlier writings
March 8th
Picture from our Mothering Sunday Parade
service - starring the Centenary Cubs - are here
March 7th
'Ducking: the Issue' - a pleasing
cartoon is here
March 5th
Notes and news for week beginning this
Mothering Sunday are here
The new edition of Newslink is
uploaded here (the printed
version will be out towards the end of next week)
March 4th
An addendum to the Annual Report is
online here
March 2nd
Cross Purposes - a new offering on the
jokes page here
February 29th
Worship for Holy Week and Easter added
to the diary here.
Greetings to any Leaplings!
February 28th
Today's sermon for your edification even
before it is delivered - here
February 27th
The latest gleanings from the service
registers at the foot of the page here. Holy Smoke!
February 26th
The official Annual Report for 2015,to
be presented at the APCM on March 13th, may be read here
February 25th
Notes and news for week beginning this
Sunday are here. Access the
Sunday liturgy via the 'Way of
Faith' on the front page henceforth, if you would be
so kind.
February 24th
Folk trust hairdressers more than
clergy, according to the Church Times. Wonder at
this story here
February 21st
'Becket's bones' - another depressing
addition to the press cuttings archive here
February 20th
'Ring Out, Wild Bells' - a new cartoon here
February 19th
Notes and news for next week are here
February 18th
The Liturgy Library: completing the 'Way
of Faith' resource. Some 50 liturgy booklets accessible here
February 17th
'The Way of Faith' liturgy and
resources through the church's year. A new, consolidated
approach may be accessed and evaluated at the top of the
front page here
February 16th
'It's very tempting!' - Fr Dennis's
sermon last Sunday is herae
'More Tea, Bishop?' - a gentle smile here
February 13th
'Belt up, Vicar!' - a cartoon to enjoy
(or deplore) here
February 12th
Preliminary work on reshaping the
website front page may be admired, or otherwise, here
February 11th
Notes and news for week beginning this
Sunday and liturgy uploaded here
February 10th
Ash Wednesday liturgy added here
February 9th
'Alan Morgan - a Gentleman and a Gentle
Man' - Fr Dennis's tribute at yesterday's requiem mass is here
'It's an Ill Wind..' - Matt hits the
spot once more with today's breezy cartoon here
February 7th
Today's text of the 'ordinary time'
liturgy, with commentary and explanatory appendix, is added
to the Resources for Prayer and study index here
February 5th
'Father Folbert's Hoverboard' is here. (If that doesn't make you
click the link, nothing will...)
February 4th
Notes and news and liturgy for next
Snnday (last before Lent) are here
February 2nd
Tonight's Candlemas sermon from Fred Nye
is already here
February 1st
Robert Woods, our musical maestro, has
supplied another Music Report- read it here
January 31st
'Into the Wilderness' -Sue's
introduction to the Lenten programme is here
January 30th
Diary of worship and events from
February to mid-March is here
January 29th
Online edition of Newslink for
January and February 2016 has eventually appeared here
January 28th
Notes and
news and Sunday liturgy for next Sunday (Epiphany 4)
are here
January 27th
Paula's sermon from last Sunday is here
January 24th
Notes and news and Sunday liturgy for
next Sunday (Conversion of St Paul) are here
January 21st
'Many a True Word' - see today's cartoon
January 19th
Denise's sermon from last Sunday is
online here
January 16th
Liturgy for tomorrow (Epiphany season) here today
January 15th
Notes and News for the week beginning
this Sunday are here
January 14th
'Drink ye all of this' - a topical
cartoon appears here
January 13th
Fr Dennis's sermon from last Sunday is here
January 12th
'A Last Throw of the Dice?' - a gloomy
outlook for the current Anglican Primate's conclave here
January 10th
'We won't go until we've got some! - a
belated Christmas cartoon worth waiting for here
January 9th
More from the church registers: a home
service on the Home Service - here
January 7th
Marking epiphany the modern way in a
cartoon here
January 6th (The Feast of the Epiphany)
The final page of the 2015 Christmas
Tree Festival record (the Tree Master's thanks and the
visitors' book cullings) are to be found here
January 5th
Notes and news and liturgy for next
Sunday (Baptism of Christ) uploaded here
January 4th
The sermon preached on Christmas morning
is here
January 2nd
'Political Correctness Gone Mad' - a
catalogue of student stupidity culled from the press and on
display to please many and annoy others - here
January 1st, 2016
A happy and peaceful new year to all
visitors to the site. The New Year page (prayers, poems etc)
is here - with some
balloons to pop here
December 31st
Sue's Christmas midnight mass sermon here
December 30th
Notes and news for the next ten days
(January 1st and week beginning January 3rd) with liturgy
for the former are all here
December 28th
Paula's sermon from yesterday's service
is here
December 27th
Christmas 2015 at St Faith's - the
picture gallery is here
December 26th
A cartoon (early, I know, but enjoy it
while it's topical) here
December 25th
We wish all who visit our site a happy
and blessed Christmas. St Faith
herself echoes the wish here
December 24th
Today's Entertainment (the silent
monastic Hallelujah Chorus) is here
Christmas morning liturgy and news
tagged on to the Midnight bulletin here
December 23rd
Christmas Pages daily update: reindeer
on the roof are here
December 22nd
Updated and reinstated the annual
Christmas Pages here,
and flagged up the first Entertainment here
Christmas Midnight liturgy and notes and
news for Christmas week here
December 21st
See St Faith's as you've never seen it
before: the Byzantine Basilica is here
Britain no longer a Christian country? Read about a report here
December 20th
Sue's sermon this morning (Mary and
Elizabeth) here already
December 18th
The decline of the 'silver ladies' - an
all too true article added to the 'What the Papers
Say' collection - here
December 16th
Notes and news and liturgy for next
Sunday (Advent 4) are here
December 15th
The final gallery of pictures from the
Tree Festival 2015: the St Nicholas Singers... and the big
clean up, here
December 14th
A seasonal offering from Matt here
December 13th
'Washboards and Wayfarers' - skiffle and
barbershop at Friday evening's Tree Festival concert here
December 11th
'Listen to the Bands!' - pictures here from Wednesday
afternoon and evening activities during the Christmas Tree
December 10th
Notes and news and liturgy for next
Sunday are here
December 9th
The Tree Festival gets under way:
pictures of trees, tall and short folk and some elves here
December 7th
'The Bishop of Waterloo' presides here
December 5th
Second picture gallery, this one of the
tree decorating and preparations for tomorrow's opening, here
December 4th
First picture gallery from the imminent
Christmas Tree Festival - cubs and trees on show here
December 3rd
Liturgy for Sunday (Toy and Parade
Service) and notes and news for next week are here
December 1st
Fr Dennis's Advent Sunday sermon is here
November 30th
The online magazine for December (and
January 2016) is uploaded here
November 27th
Belated posting of liturgy for Advent,
notes and news here
November 26th
'Priest and Parish on the move' - Sue
writes in detail about her future and ours in the
forthcoming edition of Newslink, uploaded in advance
of publication here
November 25th
A depressing piece about 'Downton Abbey'
and religion (or the lack of it) in the 'Curiouser and Curiouser'
November 24th
Parish Diary updated with services and
events for November, December and early next year; flagged
up on the home page and here
November 22nd
The full schedule of events and opening
times for the Christmas Tree Festival is here
November 21st
An important announcement about Sue's
departure is flagged up here
November 20th
'Living on the edge' - last Sunday's
sermon from Brenda Cottarel is here
November 19th
'Flagging up the Festival' - opened a
new ongoing page as preamble to next month's Christmas Tree
Festival. It's here
November 18th
Liturgy for
Sunday (Christ the King) and Notes and News for the
week are here
November 16th
Rev. Denise has moved house and
telephone. See the updated Directory
November 15th
Lunch time again! Pictures from
yesterday's parish lunch are here
November 14th
A topical cartoon to enjoyed here
November 13th
A cartoon from heavenly cyberspace (Bill
'Pearly' Gates?) here
November 11th
Liturgy for Sunday (Kingdom Season) and
Notes and News for the week are here
November 9th
Images of Remembrance Sunday's service
are here
November 7th
More from the church registers: 1948 and
1949, with a link to a flamboyant illuminated page - here
November 5th
An entertaining and doubtless innocent
cartoon here, from the Church
Times. It may cause some fireworks...
November 4th
A new page added to the St Faith's and
the Community page. Read about Sabeel here
November 3rd
Does preaching to people put them off
God? Read a report from the C of E here
November 1st
Facing the music - a new cartoon on the
jokes page
October 29th
Jackie's sermon preached last Sunday, here today
October 27th
Liturgy, notes and news from next Sunday
are here
October 26th
A sickening cartoon on the jokes page
October 24th
Country churches to open only on big
festivals? Read what the C of E is considering here
October 23rd
A grim (reaper) cartoon on the jokes page
October 22nd
A more familiar story added to the
ordinands pages: Myles Davies' journey is here
October 21st
notes and news for next Sunday onwards here
The online edition of
Newslink November issue is here
October 20th
Flyers for the Crosby Symphony
Orchestra's concerts on November
15th and for the full 2015/2016 series
October 19th
Paula O'Shaughnessy's sermon, preached
yesterday, here today
October 17th
The fourth in Robert Woods' series of
music reports is here
October 16th
Eunice writes about plans to support
'Scotty's Little Soldiers' on our Armed Forces page here
October 15th
John Woodley's research on an early
ordinand from St Faith - Henry Lionel Gibbs - is here
October 14th
Liturgy for next Sunday (St Luke)
and notes and news for next week here
Another feeble joke on offer here
October 12th
Pictures from yesterday's Patronal
celebrations in church and hall may be enjoyed here
October 10th
Note and news for tomorrow (Patronal
Festival celebration) here
October 6th
Patronal greetings to all browsers on
the official Feast Day of Saint Faith, Virgin and Martyr.
The liturgy for next Sunday (president
and preacher, the Bishop of Burnley) is here
October 5th
Harvest Festival, Church Parade, St
Francis and the wolf and Christian Aid - pictures of
yesterday's service are here
October 4th
An addition to the Community Index links
- the Crosby Justice and Peace Group - is here
October 3rd
The background to tomorrow's Harvest
Sunday appeal for Christian Aid is flagged up here
October diary for the Waterloo Anglican churches is here
October 1st
'Cross purposes?' - another
believe-it-or-not story added to the Curiouser and Curiouser
collection here
September 30th
The liturgy for next Sunday (Francistide
and Harvest Festival) and the notes and news for the week
following are here
September 29th
A newly-written handbook for altar
servers at St Faith's is added to the prayer and resources
index page here
September 28th
An illustrated report on yesterdays'
'back to church' Waterloo celebration service at Old Christ
Church is here
September 26th
The liturgy for tomorrow's special
service at Old Christ Church, and the notes and news for the
coming week, are here. NB No
service at St Faith's
September 25th
A jumbo-size cartoon here
September 23rd
The October online edition
of Newslink is uploaded here
September 21st
Sues' sermon from the
Sunday before last is here (worth
waiting for)
September 19th
'Anglicans to move into
separate bedrooms? Archbishop's efforts to
keep the worldwide Anglican Communion together
are here
September 18th
Table Sale dates for 2016 are posted here
September 17th
Notes and news for the week
beginning this Sunday are here
September 15th
Yet more from the registers. The
31st distillation (if anyone is still on board) records
the arrival of Fr Hassall, and the first recorded
'Mass'! Thrill to it here
September 14th
Celebrating Jackie Parry's
commencement of training for the ministry, her story in
her own words is told here
September 11th
Notes and news for the week
beginning this Sunday are here
September 10th
An unharmonious cartoon here
September 9th
Sue's sermon from
last Sunday available here
September 8th
'Health and Well-being Days' are
coming to the Church Hall next month. Read about it here
September 7th
'Fingers and toes' a digital
quest. featuring rabbits and deliberate imperfections.
Read the unfolding story here
September 5th
'Fading respect for religion in
public life, say faith leaders.' Read the story in
'What the papers say' here
September 4th
The Waterloo Churches' diary for
September is here
September 3rd
In or Out? Matt's timely cartoon
comment on the referendum wording is here
September 2nd
Notes and news for the week
beginning this Sunday are here
August 31st
sermon from yesterday available here today
An irreverent cartoon offering on
display here
August 27th
Notes and news for week beginning
this Sunday are here
August 26th
The September 2015 online edition
of Newslink is here.
It contains extra material, including details of all
our new Archdeacons
August 24th
Sue's sermon from yesterday
available here today
August 22nd
'Not with a bang but a whimper' -
a further instalment of cullings from our service
register. The 1947/8 saga is here
August 20th
Notes and news for week beginning
this Sunday are here
August 18th
Sue's sermon: 'You are what
you eat!' preached last Sunday, online here
August 17th
In his latest music report, Robert
Woods sounds forth here on
the service of compline
August 16th
Lord Carey's controversial
acceptance of assisted suicide as 'Christian' is
uploaded on the ''What the Papers Say' page - here
August 14th
A nice little cartoon added to the
jokes page here
August 13th
Notes and news for week beginning
this Sunday are here
August 11th
Belated August Waterloo Churches
diary here
August 9th
Two Brendas in as many days: her
sermon from August 2nd is here
August 8th
A lavatorial cartoon to brighten
up the weekend is here
August 7th
Brenda Cottarel's sermon from July
26th is here now
August 6th
Net week's notes and news and
Sunday liturgy are here
August 5th
'Six days shalt thou labour' - a
talking point article about Sunday trading hours and
the church is here
August 2nd
One for the 'Frannies' - a cartoon
to enjoy here
July 30th
Violence with a back-scratcher - a
little entertainment from the papers on the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page here
July 29th
Next week's notes and news
and Sunday liturgy are here
July 27th
The latest addition to the stories
of the ordinands of St Faith's over the years is that
of our very own Denise McDougall - here
July 26th
Advertising the Sefton Old
Persons' Forums meetings, accessed via the Community links or the Noticeboard
July 24th
'Religious Rights Spare Seagulls'
- an entertaining addition to the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' archive here
July 23rd
Next week's notes
and news and Sunday liturgy are here
A wry comment on the call for
weekend medical availability here
July 21st
A new addition to the story of St
Faith's ordinands: read about Brian Prothero here
July 20th
'Compassion' - Fr Dennis's sermon
from yesterday is here
July 18th
A prayerful cartoon is to be
enjoyed here
July 17th
week's notes and news are here
An all too likely situation on the
jokes page
July 12th
Change of date for October
Patronal Festival posted in the diary here
Another story added to the ordinands of St Faith's
feature - read about Fr Colin Oxenforth here
July 10th
A cartoon for churchwardens is here
July 9th
Next week's notes and news are here
July 8th
'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' -
Fr Dennis' sermon from last Sunday is here
July 7th
The joint July and August 2015
magazine is published here - including on page 7ff the
landmark article about the future of St Faith's and
the Waterloo Anglican churches. Devour it here
Consolidated page of the St Faith's quiz - 'How well
do you know your church?' is here
Belated update to the recent stories index here
July 6th
A nice little cartoon, especially
for our tallest member, may be enjoyed here
July 5th
A new feature: monthly diary of
worship and events in our four local churches, is
posted here
July 3rd
An entertainment that will appeal
to all lovers of discussion groups, church or
otherwise, here
July 1st
Next week's notes and news here
Information about Kairos Britain linked to the
Community page here
June 30th
The second in the series of music
reports from Robert is here
June 29th
Minor adjustments and updates to
the parish portraits page here
June 28th
Photos of last Thursday's special
service celebrating 150 years of Merchant Taylors'
Combined Cadet Force are here
June 27th
Some updates and additions to the
church diary of events are here
June 25th
For those still following the
trail, a further episode from the church registers
(1947: the vicar's final year) - is here
June 24th
Denise's sermon preached last
Sunday, published today here
Next week's notes and news available here
June 23rd
An irreverent cartoon here
June 19th
The fifth in the series of stories
of the ordinands of St Faith's features Fr Russell
Perry - here
June 18th
Liturgy for Sunday and notes and
news for the week (including details of civic service
arrangements) are here
June 17th
A female footie cartoon from Matt
June 16th
The rest of the pictures from
Sunday, including the bishop at the sink - here
June 15th
The first page of pictures from
yesterday's Bootle Deanery Sung Euchari st at St
Faith's are here
June 13th
Something of an 'in joke', but
which will resonate with many church officials, is here
June 12th
The fourth in the series of
stories of the ordinands of St Faith's features Lord
Runcie, one-time Archbishop of Canterbury, and is to
be found here
June 11th
A dead funny cartoon here
June 10th
A thought-provoking analysis of
falling Anglican numbers and rising Muslim ones in the
papers here
June 9th
The next in the unfolding stories
of the ordinands of St Faiths - the saga of Fr Dennis
- is here
An unwarranted jibe, recently received, at the
expense of the episcopacy is here
June 8th
Information about Global Justice
Now on the Community page and here; Kathy's report on
the successful Christian Aid Week here
June 6th
Notes and news for the week
beginning tomorrow are here
'In Her image' - Time to make God a woman? Read it
in the papers here
June 5th
St Gargoyle's again provides the
entertainment here
June 4th
Last Sunday's Trinity sermon is here
June 3rd
The sorry tale of the Oxford
Union's Racist Cocktail features in the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' collection here
June 2nd
An Epistolary Pussycat may be seen
June 1st
No ticket to heaven - a sad story
added to the 'What the papers say' collection - click
here to despair
of the C of E
May 30th
A nice little cartoon with a
dreadful caption here
May 28th
Liturgy for Trinity Sunday and the
week's notes and news are here
May 27th
Archives resurrected:
transcriptions of a century of baptisms, confirmations
and weddings updated and online from the front page and here
May 26th
Announcement of the sad death of
Reg Williamson, R.IP, aged 101 years
May 25th
Pentecost pictures: images of
yesterday's service are here
May 24th
A new index page to introduce and
celebrate the Feast of Pentecost is here
May 23rd
'Faith groups filling the gap' - a
welcome report and commentary by Archbishop Welby is
worth reading here
May 22nd
Liturgy for Pentecost and notes
and news for the week are here
May 21st
A cartoon for Creationists and
Computer nerds is here
May 20th
The online edition of Newslink
is here
Last Sunday's sermon from Paula is uploaded here
May 19th
'How well do you know your
Church?' - answers to part 1 questions, together with
the second batch are here
May 18th
'Nothing to laugh about?' - an
entertaining piece about entertaining sermons is
uploaded here
May 17th
The first regular column 'Music
Report' by our Director of Music is uploaded to the music home page or
directly here
May 16th
Notes and news for the week
beginning tomorrow is/are here
May 15th
Yet another instalment in the
Church Registers saga - here it is
May 14th
Revised schedule for remaining
Saturday Concert series here
May 13th
Novena of Prayer for the four
Churches in Waterloo is uploaded here
Liturgies for tomorrow's Ascension Day service and the
Sundays from Ascension to Pentecost are here
May 12th
An interesting piece on women
bishops and the rise of conservative evangelical
Anglicans is uploaded here
May 11th
Yesterday's sermon by Fr Dennis is
enshrined here
May 10th
Whether, post election,
you're feeling like rejoicing or just drowning your
sorrows, a cheerful cartoon to enjoy is here
May 8th
Next Sunday's notes and news
(Easter 6) are here
May 7th
To mark election day, a spoof on
church democracy, which hits the spot, and is to be
enjoyed here
May 6th
Links and details added to four
more good causes on the St Faith's in the Community
webpages: on the front page and here
May 5th
Last Sunday's sermon from Sue is
available here
May 4th
Many a true word spoken in jest in
a joke reposted here
May 1st
A new feature, flagging up the
good causes we support at St Faith's, is headlined here and on the front page
April 30th
Next week's notes and news (Easter
5) are here
April 29th
Fr Dennis's sermon, preached last
Sunday, uploaded here
April 28th
A terrible cartoon with an even
worse heading is here
April 27th
Belated posting of Paula's recent
sermon here
April 26th
Flagged up the Stations of the
Resurrection gallery here in
advance of next week's service
April 25th
Confession parrot fashion - click
April 24th
Updated Saturday concert schedule
from the front page and here
April 22nd
The online edition of Newslink
for May is uploaded here
April 21st
week's notes and news (Easter 4) here
A new entry on the records of St
Faith's ordinands: for the story of John Edwin Bebb
click here
April 18th
'Don't mention the War!' - yet
another episode from the church registers is appended
at the foot of the long page here
April 17th
'How well do you know our Church?'
Part One of a teasing quiz about things to be found in
St Faith's is here
April 16th
Next week's notes and news are (or
is) here
April 14th
A cartoon for all PCC-watchers to
be enjoyed here
April 9th
The liturgy for Eastertide (from
this week onwards) and next week's notes and news
are here
A new St Gargoyle's cartoon may be viewed here
April 7th
The final pictures
from Holy Week: the services of Easter
Sunday are here
April 6th
Images of Saturday night's Easter
Vigil are at the foot of the Holy Week picture gallery
April 5th
A happy and blessed Easter to all
site visitors. Pictures of the church decked out for
Easter are here
April 4th
The vicar's Maundy Thursday sermon
is online here
The liturgy for Easter Day morning
is here. Also a sound file
worth listening to again is linked from here
April 3rd
Images of last night's Maundy
Thursday liturgy may be seen towards the foot of the
Holy Week gallery here
The liturgy for the Easter Eve Vigil is here
April 2nd
The liturgy for Good Friday and
the notes and news for Easter Sunday and following
week are uploaded here
April 1st
The liturgy for Maundy Thursday is
uploaded here
No fooling - a splendid cartoon from Ron is here
March 31st
Pictures from last night's
Stations of the Cross service are at the foot of the
page here
March 30th
Another addition to the
(supposedly) funny stories on the jokes page here
March 29th
Holy Week begins: pictures from
this morning's (short, wet!) procession are here
March 27th
A dead funny story on the jokes
page here
March 26th
'Pope mobbed by nuns' - read all
about it in a new story in 'What the papers say' - here
March 25th
Notes and news for Holy Week and
liturgy for Palm Sunday uploaded here
March 24th
The April issue of our magazine is
online here
March 23rd
The schedule for the summer
Saturday lunchtime concerts is here
March 20th
Another uploading to the jokes
page here
March 19th
The schedule for Holy Week and
Easter services and events is here
Rejoice! Reader Jackie Parry has been recommended for
training for the priesthood. The announcement is here
March 18th
Liturgy and notes and news for
next Sunday - Passion Sunday - are here
March 17th
'Called to serve': the story of
the first woman priest to trace her vocation to St
Faith's is here.
The list of ordinands is here
March 15th
Highlights of this morning's
Mothering Sunday parade service are here (already)
March 14th
Jackie Parry's sermon: 'Cleansing
the Temple' is here
March 13th
To take the mind off Friday 13th,
a joke is to be found here
March 12th
Flagged up a link to last year's
Mothering Sunday family worship pictures. They're here
March 11th
Liturgy and notes and news for
next Sunday - Mothering Sunday - are here
March 10th
A new index page with the
background to the visit and the report on us (and
other local churches!) is here. Much to
March 8th
The Ship of Fools' Mystery Worshipper's splendid
report on a recent visit to us is here
March 7th
Liturgy and notes and news for
tomorrow (Lent 3) are here.
The Ship of Fools is on its way....
March 5th
Another intalment of the analysis
of St Faith's service register - 1940 and 1941 - is
waiting for you here
March 4th
Paula O'Shaughnessy's sermon from
March 1st is here
March 3rd
Uploaded the final (for now
anyway) version of the biographies of the war dead
from St Faith's, with renewed thanks to diligent
archive researcher John Woodley! Access it here
March 2nd
'Food, Glorious Food' - pictures
of yesterday's Parish Lunch may be seen here
March 1st
A very unfair and certainly
un-ecumenical cartoon is here
February 27th
The 500th entry on the jokes page is an old favourite of
the editor, who has often used the F-word! Enjoy it here
February 26th
The text of the 3rd and 4th
sessions of the 'Doxa' course have been added to the
resources pages and are here
February 25th
Liturgy and notes and news for
next Sunday (Lent 2) here
February 24th
Another sideways look at lady
bishops here
February 23rd
Sue's Ash Wednesday sermon: 'God's
Abundance' is here
February 22nd
Online edition of the March
issue of Newslink is here.
The printed version delayed through printers' holidays
- sorry!
February 21st
With the annual church meetings
coming over the horizon, the official Annual Church
Report is here
February 20th
A cartoon for suspicious church
treasurers is here
February 19th
Liturgy and notes and news for
next Sunday (Lent 1) are here
February 18th
A grizzly story on the jokes page
February 17th
Ash Wednesday liturgy for tomorrow
is here
February 16th
Flagged up the impending Fairtrade
Fortnight here
February 15th
Falling congregations - the ultimate
comment is here
February 14th
Parish diary updated to include
principal events from Easter to the end of the year.
Click here
Full schedule of all worship and events from Ash
Wednesday to Easter are on the Lent diary - here
February 13th
Friday 13th - luckily there's an
uplifting sermon from last Sunday to be read here
February 12th
Liturgy and notes and news for next
Sunday (Sunday before Lent) are here
More photos of Fr Charles Billingon, this time at Marske
with the Men's Group, to be seen here
February 11th
St Gargoyles rejoices in the woes of
wi-fi reception here
February 10th
Another addition to the Billington
memorial pages: the first of two pages of photos here
February 8th
An addition to the Fr Charles
memorial archive: an affectionate memoir from 'old boy'
Anthony Walker is here
February 7th
Diary of worship and events until
Easter Day posted here
February 6th
An addition and an update to the
ordinands list here
Liturgy and notes and news for next Sunday (second
before Lent) are here
February 5th
A wonderful you-couldn't-make-it-up
story for church flower arrangers is to be found on the
'Curiouser and Curiouser'
February 4th
Biographies of the final four of our
war dead added to the memorial page here
February 3rd
For better, for worse... a not
impossible cartoon added here
February 2nd
An addition to the Charles
Billington archive: Fr Dennis's sermon at Charles Golden
Jubilee mass - here
February 1st
The latest (and penultimate)
archives of the war dead from St Faith's have been added
January 31st
In Memoriam: Charles Alfred
Billington R.I.P. New pages in tribute to the sixth
vicar of St Faith's launched here
January 29th
Liturgy for next Sunday (Candlemas)
and notes and news for the week are here
January 28th
A cartoon with an excruciating pun
for a title may be seen here
January 27th
More biographies of the war dead of
St Faith's, including Kenneth McCulloch, father of
Bishop Nigel, are here
January 26th
Fr Dennis's sermon: 'The Perils of Paul(ine) preached
yesterday, is here
January 25th
St Gargoyle's hits the target - a
nice cartoon here
January 23rd
Further additions to the biographies
of the war dead from St Faith's, including two pairs of
brothers - here
January 22nd
Following a (relatively!) brief PCC
meeting last night, a cartoon to entertain members may
be appreciated here
Liturgy for next Sunday and notes and news for the week
ahead are here
January 20th
'Hear! Hear!' - an entertaining
funny story may be enjoyed here
January 19th
A paean of praise for the
achievements of Pope Francis is here
January 18th
Thanks to John Woodley's tireless
efforts, three more biographies of the war dead from St
Faith's are added here
January 17th
An addition to the jokes page - not
quite a joke, more of a wry observation - here
January 16th
Notes and news for next week added here
January 15th
A belated Epiphany cartoon added here
The Sunday liturgy for the Epiphany season uploaded here
January 14th
The February edition of Newslink
is uploaded here
January 13th
Two sermons for the price of one: The Holy Innocents
and The Baptism
of Christ. Are you sitting comfortably?
January 12th
A brilliant idea, embodied in
a Church Times cartoon, is here
January 10th
An entertaining cartoon is published
January 8th
Recycled an old Magi cartoon to mark
the Epiphany season here
January 7th
Notes and news and liturgy for next
week (Baptism of our Lord) are here
January 6th
Uploaded flyers for the February and
April Crosby Symphony Orchestra concerts at St Faith's
to the music index page here
January 5th
Flagged up the Epiphany resource
page (service tomorrow at 7.00 pm) here
January 4th
A further instalment in the long
story of our church's registers: war breaks out and
there are bombshells here
Notes and news and liturgy for the Feast of the Epiphany
(Tuesday at 7.00 pm) are here
'Christmas peaks too early'
- read Melanie McDonagh's well-argued
newspaper article here
January 2nd
'The Renewal of the Covenant at
the start of the new year' - prayers used at
yesterday's eucharist are here
January 1st, 2015
Congratulations to our
Treasurer, David Jones, awarded an M.B.E. in the New
Year Honours list
A very happy new year to all readers and visitors.
Eucharist and renewal of covenant service 12 noon
today. Pop a few balloons here
to celebrate
December 31st, 2014
Notes and news and liturgy for this coming Sunday are here
Another addition to the short
biographies of the fallen of St Faith's - the son of one
of our first church wardens - here
December 30th
The New Year page - prayers, poems,
and balloon popping - updated and flagged up here
New Year's Day liturgy posted on the bulletin page
December 29th
The Magi are, we hope, on the way
... but will they get there? See Matt's cartoon here
December 28th
Rev Sue's Christmas midnight mass
sermon is here
December 27th
Today's frivolity features silent
monks performing the Hallelujah Chorus. They are here
December 26th
Launch of a new feature listing the men
and women whose vocation to the sacred priesthood was
nurtured at St Faith's. See it here
Reindeer may be espied dancing on the roof if you click here
The liturgy for next Sunday and the notes and news for next
week are posted here
December 25th
Christmas Day greetings to all visitors
to the site from the clergy and people of St Faith's. Our
patron herself (no less) wishes you an animated Christmas
greeting if you click here.
Bishop Richard's Christmas message is here
December 24th
Brenda Cottarel's maiden sermon,
preached last Sunday, is uploaded here
On a less exalted note, an entertaining little animated
Christmas card for you to create here
December 23rd
The Christmas pages updated and
relaunched (services, resources, archives, prayers and
poetry, flippant animations...) here
December 22nd
The liturgies and notes and news for
both Christmas Midnight and Christmas Day are posted here
Matt takes a wry look at the role of
women here
December 21st
The sad news of the death of former
vicar of St Faith's Fr Charles Billington, posted
Two further brief biographies of the fallen from St Faith's
added here
December 20th
A somewhat un-ecumenical joke is to be
found here. Blame one of our
December 19th
Brief biographies of three more of the
men of St Faith's who fell in the two world wars are added here
December 18th
week's notes and news and this Sunday's liturgy here
December 17th
St Faith's at Sacred Heart School - a
report added to the Notice Board
December 16th
Fr Dennis's sermon: 'The
Forerunner' preached yesterday, is here
December 15th
Margaret reports here on the success of the
Christmas Tree Festival and says how much was raised for
charities and church
December 13th
Two weather related offerings in two
days - it's the quiet season... Here it is
December 12th
A cartoon blown in on the wind here
December 11th
Next week's notes and news and this
Sunday's liturgy here
December 10th
Consolidated index linking all Christmas
Tree Festival coverage from 2009-2014 is here
December 9th
Paula O'Shaughnessy's sermon, preached
last Sunday and online here
December 8th
The final page from the Christmas Tree
Festival: pictures of the clean-up and words from
appreciative visitors here
December 7th
Here are
the pictures from Friday and Saturday at the Christmas Tree
December 6th
More festival pictures tomorrow
(exhaustion) - meanwhile, a little cartoon to tide you over
December 5th
Tree Festival diary for Thursday
(uniforms and uniforms) is here. Links
now working, I hope...
December 4th
Tree Festival diary for Wednesday
(including the band concert) is here. Some broken links -
work in progress!
December 3rd
Pictures from the Tree Festival on
Monday and Tuesday are here
Next week's notes and news and this Sunday's liturgy are here
December 2nd
In an interlude, a further biography of
one of St Faith's war dead, together with an updated tabular
record of them all, is uploaded here
December 1st
All the pictures from yesterday's Toy
Service and Tree Festival opening are here
November 30th
Advent Sunday brings the opening of the
Christmas Tree Festival and yesterday's entries in the
Festival Diary - here
November 29th
As the Christmas Tree Festival
approaches ever nearer, the Daily Illustrated Diary is
uploaded here
November 28th
Next week's notes and news and this
Advent Sunday's liturgy are here
November 27th
Flagged up the Advent resources page
(meaning, poems, prayers, recorded carols) here
Tabulated dates of St Faith's war dead added to the record
page here
November 26th
An update to the roof saga, reporting
the latest and (we trust) final stage in the ongoing story,
is here
November 25th
The latest Newslink - a
king-size double issue for December 2014 and January 2015 -
is here
November 24th
Another tasteless cartoon is here
November 22nd
John Woodley's strange tale of the name
changes of our second vicar is to be read here
November 20th
Next week's notes and news and this
Sunday's liturgy are here
Sue's sermon from last Sunday is here
November 19th
Matt makes a move here
November 17th
A somewhat silly cartoon uploaded here
November 16th
A landmark, and very welcome,
announcement of the ending of the Episcopal Visitation and
the plans for the future of our local churches is HERE
November 15th
Story and pictures from our recent
Services Support Group Remembrance service uploaded here
November 14th
A somewhat surreal cartoon for church
cleaners everywhere is here
Table Sale Dates for 2015 available here
November 13th
Flagged up Churches Together Advent
events here
Details of two more men (both 'Liverpool Pals') from the St
Faith's record of war dead added here
November 12th
Next week's notes and news and this
Sunday's liturgy are here
November 11th
The stories of two of St Faith's war
victims (Robert Horsfall and Niel Brook) added to the War
Memorial page here. On
Armistice Day, 'We will remember them'.
November 10th
Launch of a page featuring the names and
stories of the men of St Faith's who fell in two world wars
November 9th
The updated full weekday service
schedule is posted here
November 8th
Flagged up imminent arrival of 'Raising
the Roof' - the new recipe book in aid of the roof fund:
it's here
November 7th
Various updates and additions to the Directory and Notice Board pages
November 6th
Next week's notes and news and
this Sunday's Remembrance liturgy (which
starts at 10.30 am!) here
November 5th
Only nine or ten weeks late, links
to various recent stories from St Faith's have been updated
November 4th
A lofty view of a wedding here
November 3rd
Jackie's All Saints sermon preached on
Sunday, available here
November 2nd
A wondrous story in today's papers...
police guards at a church APCM. Read it here
October 31st
Next week's notes and news and this
Sunday's liturgies (morning and evening worship) are here
October 29th
Words and pictures of the recent Hunger
for Justice Walk here
October 28th
Flagged up forthcoming Christmas
Shopping Evening here
October 27th
A nice little church cartoon from the
Church Times is here
October 26th
Bubble and Squeak given go-ahead for
Boxing Day. Read about the church's pronouncement here
October 25th
The sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll vicar
story mentioned below is now enshrined in the 'What the
papers say' page here.
As may be seen, it's a quiet time with our vicar on holiday
October 24th
Another tasteless cartoon, probably best
ignored, is to be seen here
October 23rd
The electronic edition of the November Newslink
is here - with an online
extra article on sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in the C of E!
October 22nd
Next week's notes and news and next
Sunday's liturgy are here
Flagged up forthcoming All Souls' memorial service on the front page
October 21st
Enjoy a Youtube upload of the recent
Wayfarers Close Harmony Singers (including a churchwarden!).
Follow the link from the Sounds of St
Faith's page for this and other entertainments.
October 20th
Sue's sermon: 'Unseating Idols' preached
yesterday, is available here
October 19th
This afternoon's Waterloo Walk or
Justice from St Faith's flagged up here
October 18th
An episcopal cartoon may be enjoyed hereat
October 16th
Next week's notes and news and next
Sunday's liturgy are here
October 15th
Additions to the music home page,
featuring our new Director of Music's c.v. - here
October 14th
Two more chapters in the endless saga of
the Church Registers are uploaded here
October 13th
Denise's sermon: 'Missing the Party'
preached yesterday is online here
October 12th
The recent handout to the congregation
about the new damage to the church roof is here
October 11th
Fr Ged Callacher's sermon at the
Patronal Festival is here
October 10th
The new 'Doxa' course at St Faith's
flagged up on the prayer and resource page here and explained
fully here
October 9th
Next week's notes and news and next
Sunday's liturgy are here
October 8th
A new chapter in the story of the
Titanic, as told by Joseph Bell, Chief Engineer and one-time
member of St Faith's, is told here
October 7th
The final chapter in the Mirfield story
is Judith Moizer's account of the weekend... it's here
October 6th (St Faith's Day)
'Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness'
- pictures from yesterday's parish lunch may be seen here
October 5th
Pictures (already!) from this morning's
service posted here. You'll
have to wait until tomorrow for the lunchtime pictures
October 4th
Posters for the November 14th CSO cocert in St Faith's and
the 2014-2015 schedule are here
and here
Full liturgy for tomorrow (Patronal Festival) and notes and news
for the week are here
October 1st
Third page from
Mirfield is here
September 30th
Flagged up this
weekend's Patronal Festival on the home page
and on the patronal
September 29th
Second pictures
from the parish retreat at Mirfield
are now here
First pictures from the parish
retreat at Mirfield are already here
September 27th
No more Singing in the Rain -
new pictures from the roof repair work here
September 25th
Next week's notes and news and
next Sunday's liturgy are here
September 24th
A cartoon for sparring sidesmen
is here
September 23rd
The September online edition of
Newslink is here
September 21st
A nice little cartoon here
September 18th
Next week's notes and news and
next Sunday's Harvest liturgy are here
September 17th
Latest progress report on the
roof repair work and the appeal to be read here
September 16th
Introducing our new Director of
Music, Robert Woods - read about him here
September 15th
Pictures of the roofers at work
on the church porch are here
September 14th
Paula's sermon from August 31st
is uploaded here
September 11th
Next week's notes and news and
next Sunday's liturgy are here
September 10th
Photos from the church roof as
stage I of the repairs is completed - see them here
September 9th
A last word from Robin Williams
September 8th
Jackie Parry's sermon
'Relationships' preached yesterday, online today here
September 7th
Updated version of Notes and
News, with full autumn schedule of weekday services
for this week, uploaded here
A nice little cartoon for a Sunday is here
September 4th
A cartoon for peace-loving
Muslims everywhere is here
September 2nd
Next week's notes and news and next Sunday's liturgy
are here
August 31st
Further update to the Roof page:
men at work and Christmas Cards for sale: both here
Updated the notice board with
details of upcoming concerts: the 'Raise the Roof'
National Youth Orchestra concert next Saturday is
also flagged up here
August 29th
Updated the parish diary
September 2014 - January 2015 is here
August 28th
Next week's notes and news and
next Sunday's liturgy are here
August 27th
A week later than planned, the
September church magazine is online here
August 26th
A sexist cartoon may be enjoyed
August 25th
The latest update on the roof
repair and fundraising (and the hall window!) is here. Work starts
August 24th
The new schedule of worship and
related activities for the auutmn is linked from the
home page and is also here
August 23rd
Tomorrow's liturgy and next
week's notes and news are here
August 20th
Sue's sermon from last Sunday is
August 19th
Another happy little cartoon to
lighten the day here
August 18th
Words and pictures from
yesterday's parish barbecue, when the sun shone on
St Faith's. Smell the beefburgers here
August 17th
A cartoon for flower ladies
everywhere is here
August 16th
'Raising the Roof' - an update
on the imminent start of repair work, the state of
the roof appeal and planned fund-raising events is here
August 15th
The Saga of the Registers
continues with another episode, from 1935. Be
excited at the bottom of the page here
August 14th
Next Sunday's liturgy and notes
and news for next week are here
Interested in being de-cluttered? Feng Shui
sessions being planned at St Faith's - click here
August 12th
Fr Dennis's miraculous sermon
from last Sunday available here today
August 9th
The 'Links'
page belatedly updated with URLs of the various
charities, good causes and organisation with which
St Faith's is connected or which we support
August 7th
A smile for today on the jokes page
August 6th
Next Sunday's liturgy and notes
and news for next week are here
August 4th
Fred Nye's sermon, preached
yesterday, here
August 3rd
Not often you see a joke about
Martin Luther... there's one here
August 1st
Pictures of the scaffolding and
waterproofing of the roof added to the metal theft
page here
July 31st
Sunday's liturgy and notes and news
for the week are here
An unwanted slur on godly
puritans may be enjoyed here
July 29th
A joke with grave consequences
is inflicted here
July 28th
Flagged up here next Monday's
candle-lit Vigil to mark the centenary of the
outbreak of the Great War
July 27th
Rev Denise's sermon preached
this morning is here this
July 26th
A nice little non-extremist
cartoon here
July 24th
Next Sunday's liturgy and notes
and news for the week are here
July 23rd
Jackie Parry's sermon from last
Sunday uploaded here
July 22nd
A cartoon for Christians and
Computer geeks - a whole new slant on 'The Cloud'! -
July 21st
Belated uploading of the most
recent Services Support Group meeting here
July 20th
Welcome headline news of the
appointment of a new Director of Music for St
Faith's flagged up here
July 19th
An update on the church roof
situation: the launch of the 'Raise the Roof'
campaign and the likely cost of the job - here
July 17th
Next Sunday's liturgy and notes
and news for the week are here
A heartening comment on the C of E in the wake of
the Women Bishops Synod vote, written by a Roman
Catholic commentator, is here
July 16th
The August edition of Newslink
is here
July 15th
As usual Matt is quick off the
mark here following
the historical Synod vote yesterday
July 14th
Last Sunday's sermon (with a
flippant title supplied by the editor) is here
July 11th
A grim cartoon added here
July 10th
Last Sunday's sermon by Paula
O'Shaughnessy is here
July 9th
Notes and news for next week,
and the liturgy for this Sunday, added here
July 8th
Unearthed a strangely topical
cartoon here
July 7th
Yet more gleanings from the
1930s church registers are available at the end of
the page here
July 6th
A thought provoking cartoon for
the computer-savvy is here
July 5th
An updated and fuller
announcement on the metal theft situation, to be
presented to the congregation tomorrow, is posted here
July 3rd
Notes and news for next week,
and the liturgy for this Sunday, are here
July 2nd
A new page of resources for
prayer and study launched here and
linked from the home
July 1st
'A somewhat special Sunday' -
words and pictures for three happenings (musical and
comestible) at St Faith's last Sunday here
June 30th
Sue's sermon from yesterday
morning is here
this afternoon
June 29th
A gruesome cartoon on the jokes page
June 28th
An announcement abut the recent
and deplorable theft and damage to the church roof
is here
June 27th
Official advertisement for the
vacant post of Director of Music at St Faith's is here
June 26th
Notes and news for next week,
and the liturgy for this Sunday, are here
June 24th
A gentle smile on the jokes page
June 23rd
Fr Dennis's sermon, preached
yesterday is here
today (but not gone tomorrow)
June 22nd
As the nights begin to draw in
(sorry, tasteless comment!), website addresses
provided for St Faith's North Dulwich, whose
one-time vicar, now Bishop Urwin, spoke of when he
visited us for Corpus Christi.
June 21st
A cartoon for all altar servers
is here
June 20th
Pictures from yesterday's
celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi, with
Bishop Lindsay Urwin, are here
June 19th
Next week's bulletin - including
full details of the reduced summer worship
schedule for July and August - and next
Sunday's liturgy online here
June 18th
Last Sunday's sermon is uploaded
The July Newslink is online here
June 17th
One more clever (?) church
notice board here
June 15th
Musical Director Daniel Rathbone
sends us his farewell message here as he prepares for
his exit
June 14th
Another church notice board
entertainment here
June 12th
Matt weighs in here to the controversy
over Muslim schools, but is unlikely to attract any
June 11th
Next week's notes and news, and
Trinity Sunday liturgy pages are here
June 10th
The first in a series of
eye-catching church notice boards uploaded here
Yet another instalment of the researching of our
service registers is to be read here
June 9th
Updated, corrected version of
old St Faith's parish map, with additional
information, posted here
June 8th
Another silly cartoon on the jokes page
June 7th
Maps showing the parish and its
streets in 1900 and today are uploaded here
June 6th
This Sunday's liturgy and next
week's notices are here
June 5th
An interesting piece about the
Chapels Royal is added to 'What the papers Say' - here
June 4th
A hate-full cartoon here
June 3rd
'Are we still a Christian
Nation?' - a new addition to 'What the papers say'
is here
June 2nd
Sue's sermon preached yesterday
is here today
May 31st
Something to smile at on the jokes page
May 28th
Liturgy, notes and news for next
week are here. Details
of forthcoming funerals and departure of our
Director of Music are here
May 27th
Another 'Christian Cracker' to
be enjoyed on the jokes page
May 26th
Sue's sermon preached yesterday
is here
Notes and news updated (no morning eucharist on
Ascension Day) here
May 25th
A thought-provoking posting on
the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' page
May 24th
Notes and news for the coming
week are here
May 18th
As he departs for week's
holiday, the editor uploads an entirely irrelevant
funny story here
May 16th
The June edition of Newslink,
with extra material and in full colour, is here
May 15th
In honour of feminists
everywhere (and especially in St Faith's), a secular
spoof is here
May 14th
Notes, news and readings only in
the new bulletin, as it's the Deanery service at St
Mary's. Read them here
May 12th
Another absurd comment on a
current issue from Matt here
- well, it made me laugh, anyway...
May 11th
Yet another old joke to be
groaned at here
May 10th
Updated the Notice Board,
highlighting Christian Aid Week, which begins
May 9th
Belated addition of Revd Sue's
picture and word portrait added to the parish
portraits page here
May 8th
Liturgy, notes and news for next
Sunday are here
May 7th
After a regrettably long
interval, three 'believe it or not' stories uploaded
to the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' collection
May 6th
Uploaded a provisional diary of
events for the remainder of 2014 here
May 5th
An addition to the jokes page -
more of a home truth, perhaps... here
May 4th
A little Sunday School joke is here
May 1st
Next Sunday's liturgy, notes and
news are here
April 30th
An old joke recycled to see the
month out, here
April 29th
John Woodley's research of an
early St Faith's stalwart is here
April 28th
A bad joke, and a worse caption,
are to be groaned at here
April 27th
The Daily Telegraph's Matt (whom
God preserve) does it again here
April 26th
A cartoon with a woeful heading
added to the jokes
April 25th
'Windows into Heaven': details
of a new series of Tuesday evening talks on our
church's stained glass windows are available here
April 24th
Next week's Sunday liturgy,
notes and news are here
April 23rd
Back to the jokes: a cartoon to
annoy Man Utd fans (if any) is here
April 22nd
Pictures of the Easter Day
services form the final chapter in the story
of Holy Week and Easter 2014 at St Faith's
April 21st
Images of Holy Saturday at St
Faith's: the penultimate pictures here
April 20th
Good Friday pictures: the third
batch of Holy Week and Easter images is here
April 19th
The final poem in the Holy Week sequence is here
April 18th
Maundy Thursday pictures: the
second batch of Holy Week and Easter images is here
A poem for Holy Saturday is here
April 17th
The Easter Day liturgy and the
week's services, notes and news are here
A poem and a spiritual for Good Friday are here
April 16th
A grim (reaper) cartoon is here
A poem for Maundy Thursday is here
April 15th
Palm Sunday
pictures: the first page of a
developing Holy Week and Easter
gallery - is here
A poem for Wednesday in Holy Week is here
April 14th
The May edition of Newslink
is here
A poem for Tuesday in Holy Week is here
April 14th
A poem for Monday in Holy Week
is here
April 13th
A new page of daily poetry for
Holy Week opened with a Palm Sunday poem here
April 12th
A silly joke to get out of the
way before Holy Week - read it here
April 10th
Palm Sunday liturgy, readings,
notes and news are here
April 9th
'Uniformed Organisations - In
Their Own Words': two of our Scouting Young Leaders'
inspiring reports as presented at the APCM are to be
enjoyed here
April 8th
A new index page to last
Sunday's Annual Parochial Church Meeting, including
the Vicar's Address to the meeting, is here
April 7th
New Churchwardens elected at
yesterday's Annual Parochial Church Meeting are
posted in the Directory here
Padres on Parade - an updated report on our Services
Support Group meetings here
April 6th
Today's sermon by Rev Denise is
available here
April 5th
A joke from Fiona to annoy women
and Italians may be deplored here
April 4th
Front page reorganisation and
updates may be viewed here
April 3rd
Liturgy and notices for next
Sunday are here
April 2nd
Yet more delvings into the
church registers reveal attendances of 1,130 on
Easter Day 1929. Read it here
April 1st
No fooling - the pictures from
Mothering Sunday celebrations are here
March 31st
Th full schedule of services and
events from Palm Sunday to Easter Day is here
March 30th
Matt marks today with a typical
offering here
March 28th
Another somewhat silly joke on
the jokes page
March 27th
Detail changes to Saturday
Concert performers (a shrinking ensemble) are here; speaker
dates for Tuesday School of Prayer here
The notices are hereby added, as promised, here
March 26th
The full liturgy for Mothering
Sunday added to the bulletin
page - notices to be added in due course
March 25th
The schedule of the 2014
Saturday morning concerts (beginning at St Faith's
on 26 April) is posted here and on
the music home page
March 24th
Not much news about, so room for
an old joke recycled here
March 22nd
St Gargoyle's does it again: an
unfortunate cartoon is here
(sorry, Sue...)
March 21st
The Annual Report for 2013, as
approved by the PCC for the forthcoming APCM, may be
read, marked, learned and inwardly digested here
March 20th
Combined liturgy and notices for
next week are here (below
current pages)
March 19th
Updated the home page and added
link to new Lenten online retreat resources here
March 18th
The April online edition of Newslink,
with extra party photographs, is here
March 17th
A joke about a new (male!) vicar
is here
March 16th
Mother (sic!) Sue's sermon this
morning is available here
March 15th
A cartoon, not suitable for
animal lovers, is nevertheless uploaded here
March 13th
New-look weekly bulletin,
reproducing full Sunday liturgy as well as notices,
online here
March 12th
In anticipation of a
keenly-fought election at our APCM, a St Gargoyle's
cartoon is recycled here
March 10th
Fr Dennis's sermon: Choice and
Commitment, preached yesterday, uploaded here
March 9th
A sick-making cartoon is here
March 8th
Yet more gleanings from the
church registers, this time from 1927-8 are at the
foot of the page here
March 7th
To welcome back Mirfield
students to St Faith's, an apposite cartoon is here
March 6th
Next week's bulletin is here
Rev Sue's inaugural sermon last Sunday is here
March 5th
A full schedule of worship and
events for Lent at St Faith's is online here
March 4th
The final offering of images
from the celebrations of March 2nd are here
Happy Birthday to Reg Willamson - 100 years young
March 3rd
Red Letter Day: the first set of pictures from
yesterday's welcome lunch are here
March 2nd
Red Letter Day: pictures of this morning's happenings in
church are here
March 1st
An amusing but possibly inappropriate
cartoon on the jokes page
February 28th
In advance of Sunday's inaugural service
at 11.00 am, here is
the liturgy for the beginning of a new ministry, which will
form part of the worship
February 27th
Next week's bulletin is here
February 26th
A timely cartoon from St Gargoyle's
(whom God preserve) here
February 25th
A red letter day at St Faith's as we welcome the official
beginning of the ministry of the Revd Sue Lucas as our priest
in charge
February 24th
Last Sunday's sermon by Jackie Parry is
February 22nd
Corrected Rev. Sue's mobile number in
the online magazine!
February 21st
Another overdue updating - the site index is now up to date
February 20th
Next week's bulletin is here
February 19th
Belated update to the Notice Board page,
including Emily's Quiz Night, is to be found here
February 18th
The March online edition of our parish
magazine Newslink is here
February 17th
Fr Dennis Smith's sermon, preached
yesterday on 'Homicide and Sex' is here. It's not as
sensationalist as it sounds, by the way...
February 16th
Those still anxious to follow the
unending sagas of the St Faith's Church registers may enjoy
the latest instalment here
('Woodbine Willie in the pulpit')
February 14th
A secular but timely offering from the
inestimable Matt to spread the love around today... here
February 13th
Next week's bulletin is here
February 12th
Fr Dennis Smith's sermon preached last
Sunday, may be read here
February 11th
Reshaping of the home page, including an
introductory message from Revd Sue Lucas, is here
February 10th
Once more attempting to lighten the mood
- an old archdiaconal cartoon is recycled here
February 9th
The sad news of the resignations of St
Faith's Churchwardens is online
The new schedule of worship has been
added to the Diary page here
February 8th
Another recycled offering from St
Gargoyle's here
February 7th
Flagged up new greatly expanded weekday
worship pattern from Ash Wednesday here
Next week's bulletin is here
February 6th
Yet another cartoon (but this time from
The Oldie) is here;
tomorrow, however, some real news....
February 5th
Still recycling old cartoons - this one
totally unrepresentative of our welcoming folk at St Faiths
(!) See it here
February 4th
Another light-hearted St Gargoyle's
cartoon is here
February 3rd
it is: what went on at the Senior Citizens' Candlemass Lunch
February 2nd
Words and pictures from this morning's
Candlemass service are here...
the Candlemass lunch should be uploaded tomorrow
Front page updated with picture of our
new priest-in-charge here
January 31st
Coincidentally, an old cartoon from St
Gargoyle's about a bishop is here
January 30th
Nest week's bulletin is here
January 29th
To cheer us all up, a re-run of a nice
cartoon here
January 28th
A new posting on the 'What the papers say'
contemplates the end of printed church magazines
January 27th
Updated diary of events (no more Tuesday
talks!) posted here
A scurrilous joke delivered from the pulpit yesterday
may be tut-tutted over here
January 26th
Revd Denise McDougall's landmark sermon from this morning is here
January 25th
Announcement and
press statement concerning Episcopal
Visitation reports is here
The February
2014 full-colour edition of Newslink
is here
January 24th
Revised bulletin
is here
January 23rd
Next week's
bulletin is here
January 21st
In the wake of
last night's momentous
Congregational Meeting, a report on
the decisions is uploaded here
January 20th
'The better the
day...' - a timely story uploaded to
the jokes
January 17th
entertainingly appropriate cartoon
is here
January 15th
Next week's
bulletin is
January 14th
Fr Dennis's
sermon: 'On Baptism', uploaded here
January 12th
Flagged up
information about the forthcoming
congregational meeting on January
20th on the home
Uploaded the season's concert
schedule for the Crosby Symphony
Orchestra here
(scroll down the music page for
the links)
January 11th
A response to
'Sin no More' (January 8th):
Christine Odone pleads 'Don't Drop
the Devil' here
January 10th
Next week's
bulletin is here
January 9th
'Registering the
Past' - the latest instalment
(crowds at the 1925 Parish Mission),
archived here
January 8th
'Sin no More...'
- a recommendation to drop
references to sin and the devil in
Anglican baptisms may be read here,
and will doubtless annoy many of us
January 7th
Posted details
of all Church Hall activities and
dates for 2014 here;
updated the Notice Board here
January 4th
Matt's take on
the impending arrival of the Magi
may be seen here
January 3rd
Reopened the
Epiphany page (poems, prayers and
sermons) here
January 2nd
Next week's
bulletin is here
January 1st, 2014 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Another St
Faith's Church discovered. Read the
fascinating story here
The New Year
page resurrected and updated here
December 31st
Last Sunday's
sermon by Fr Dennis is here
December 30th
An article
bemoaning the excessive use of
criminal record checking for church
workers and volunteers is here
Resurrected and updated the seasonal
silly animations. Click here
for reindeer on the roof and a
message from St Faith herself
December 29th
Celebrating Christingle - the
pictorial record of last Christmas
Eve's service is here
December 28th
The Diary of
Events for January - March 2014 is
posted here
December 27th
Next week's
bulletin is here
sermon by Fr Mark Waters, for the
Feast of St Stephen, is here
December 26th
A cartoon just
for today, with a dubious title for
those who will be singing a certain
carol, is
December 25th
A silly cartoon
for Christmas Day - with good wishes
to all who access it! Click here
A tweaked
picture of St Faith's in the snow
now adorns the home page
December 24th
reading about the church's future to
be read here
December 23rd
Once again Matt
brings a new twist to an old story here
December 22nd
In the wake of
the Apollo Theatre happening,the
first seasonal cartoon is inflicted
December 21st
An addition to
'What the Papers Say' - Prince
Charles speaks up for persecuted
Christians here
December 20th
Next week's
bulletin is here
December 19th
And finally ...
touching (and entertaining)
petitions from the 2913
ChristmasTree Festival Prayer Tree
end this long-running chronicle here
December 18th
Nearly the end
of the Trees saga: Visitors' Book
extracts uploaded here
(and links update)
December 17th
The January 2014
online edition of Newslink is
posted here
The latest unmissable (!)
episode in 'Registering the Past'
(now in the 1920s) is added here
December 16th
Uploaded the
Christmas 2013 pages, with details
of all Christmas and New Year
services here
December 15th
By way of a
change, an entertaining Oldie
cartoon is posted here
Eunice Little's report on the Carol
service is added here
December 14th
Dates for the
2014 series of Table Sales in our
Church Hall are posted here
New Tree Festival consolidated index
page (all five years) on the home page
December 13th
The first
collection of reflections on the
Christmas Tree Festival are posted here
December 12th
Next week's
bulletin is here
December 11th
Sermon by
Denise, marking her welcome return
last Sunday, is here
December 10th
Tree Festival
aftermath... pictures from the day
after are here
December 9th
For a change,
two entertaining additions to the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page ('Funny
but Armless' and 'Elf'n Safety')
December 8th
Reporting on the
final day of the Festival here
December 7th
Later on, even
more photos uploaded here
Still more pictures of trees and
people may be seen here
December 6th
Pictures of the
splendid carol service with military
band uploaded here
December 5th
Next week's
bulletin is here
Some of the
images of yesterday's busy Christmas
Tree Festival are here
December 4th
The record of
the first two weekdays of the
Christmas Tree Festival are here
December 3rd
The advent of
Advent: the services, the first Day
of the Trees and the festivities are
December 2nd
The final preparations for the Tree
Festival are recorded here
December 1st
The record of
the final days of preparation for
today's opening of the Christmas
Tree Festival is here
November 30th
A further
chapter in the Chronicles of a
Choirboy online here
November 29th
developments on the Christmas Tree
Festival front - it's all really
starting to happen here
November 28th
Next week's
bulletin is here
November 27th
Opened the daily
record of the Christmas Tree
Festival with the arrival of the
trees yesterday. See it here
November 25th
You couldn't make it up - a hugely
entertaining obituary is to be
accessed here
November 24th
Today's sermon
by Paula O'Shaughnessy: 'Christ the
King' is here
November 22nd
Flagged up the
imminent Christmas Tree festival here and on
the home page
Pruning the Prelates? - a new
posting in 'What the Papers Say' is
November 21st
Next week's
bulletin is here
November 20th
December Newslink
online here
- with five extra pages of photos...
November 19th
Fr Dennis's
sermon 'Us' and 'Them' from last
Sunday uploaded here
November 18th
A nice little
cartoon uploaded to the jokes
page. It happens to be the 400th
such offering to go online: several
of them funnier than others...
November 16th
'We will
remember them' - our uniformed
organisations on Remembrance Sunday
November 15th
week's bulletin is here
November 14th
Another episode
in the 'Chronicles of a Choirboy'
saga is here
November 13th
An encouraging
report on faith and politics may be
read here
November 12th
Captain 'H'
Calls In - a report on a recent
meeting of our Services
Support Group
November 9th
Updated and
corrected version replaces the
previous bulletin
November 8th
Next week's
bulletin is here
November 5th
A spankingly
good addition to the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' archive
November 2nd
A nice little
story on the jokes page
November 1st
Read about the
Bobcats' Space
October 31st
Next week's
bulletin is here
October 30th
Another dubious
addition to the jokes
October 29th
Read about the
'Bishop of Bling' on the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page
October 28th
A further
instalment of Graham Barry's
Chronicles of a Choirboy uploaded here
October 27th
A news story
featuring everyone's favourite
professor is here
October 23rd
A matter of
grave concern on the jokes
October 20th
Following the
recent publication of a biography of
'Titanic' Chief Engineer, Joseph
Bell, information and an
introduction to the book are linked
from our our
'Titanic' page or accessed
directly here
October 19th
A heavenly
cartoon on the jokes page
October 18th
Next week's
bulletin is here
October 17th
The latest
addition to the jokes archive is here
October 16th
Update to the youth index
page information: this includes the
'Scouting around the Garden' saga,
as told by tireless leader Mike
Carr. It's here
October 15th
The November Newslink
is online here
October 14th
A news story
about progress on the
inter-communion frnt with the Roman
Catholics uploaded here
October 11th
The latest
irresistible digest from the service
registers (taking us up to 1923) is
October 10th
Next week's
bulletin is here
October 9th
A new news story
on the 'What
the Papers say' page - about
the growing ignorance about
Christianity in schools
October 8th
Added a report
on the Combat Stress talk at our
recent Forces Support Group meeting
October 7th
And then we had lunch. Completing
the Patronal Festival pictures with
a page of the guests at the lunch -
see them here
October 6th
Celebrating our
Patronal Festival: first pictures of
the High Mass for St Faith's Day are
October 5th
The next
instalment of 'Chronicles of a
Choirboy' is posted here
October 4th
Next week's
bulletin is here
October 3rd
An entertaning
commentary now supplied to the 1950
Wolf Cubs photo here
October 2nd
Archbishop Welby
holds forth on contemporary
Christian martyrdom here
October 1st
Link to the
Patronal Festival pages (past and
present celebrations) posted here
September 30th
Added a nice
picture of the church cubs on parade
in 1950 to Chronicles
of a Choirboy
Sad news of the death of Fr Bert
Galloway, an old friend of St
September 27th
United Benefice
Diary October-December uploaded here
September 26th
Next week's
bulletin is here
September 25th
A rather poor
joke added to the jokes page
September 24th
A new series of
eucharists and talks by Fr Paul
Nener are flagged up here
September 22nd
Church schools
are too middle class - see the
debate on the 'What
the Papers Say' page
September 20th
Next week's
bulletin is here
September 19th
A lighter moment
with a cartoon from The Oldie
September 18th
The October
edition of Newslink is here
September 17th
Matt hopes not
to offend any Muslims in his latest
Various updates to the Parish
Directory may be inspected here
September 16th
A very important
announcement by the Archdeacon of
Liverpool is posted here
September 15th
The church
registers archive updated by adding
recent episodes: 'Registering the
Past'. Read about squeezing in over
1000 people at a 1920 evensong here
September 12th
Next week's
bulletin is here
September 11th
An entertaining
rant by a Roman Catholic priest is
uploaded to the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page
September 9th
Terry Wogan adds
his profound thoughts to the
heavenly politics furore... an
update to the 'What
the Papers Say' column
September 5th
Which political
party does Almighty God favour? Find
the answer in 'What
the Papers Say'
September 3rd
Next week's
bulletin is here
September 2nd
The second
instalment of 'Chronicles of a
Choirboy' (Graham Barry's epic story
of life at St Faith's in the 1950s)
is here
August 30th
'Welby: Church
on the edge of a precipice'. Read
all about it in 'What
the Papers Say'
August 27th
Earlier than
usual, here's next week's bulletin
August 26th
articles coming thick and fast - here
it's about the new Girl Guides oath
and the use of church halls
August 25th
A thoughtful piece of journalism
about persecuted Christians uploaded
to 'What
the Papers Say'
August 24th
Additions to the
controversy about fracking and the
church's (questionable?) views about
it are here
August 23rd
Next week's
bulletin is here
August 22nd
A nice little
cartoon for golfers, from The
Oldie here
August 21st
The September
edition of Newslink is
online here.
No extra pages, but there's still
quite a lot to read...
August 20th
An upload to the
the Papers Say' - about
fracking and the C of E's view(s) on
this controversial issue
August 19th
Entirely without
comment (can't be too careful) , an
entertaining story for the silly
season, about perceived racism, is
reproduced in the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' column
August 18th
This week's
bulletin is here
August 15th
A new index
page, bringing together Comedy and
Comment (jokes, curiosities and
journalism) is launched here
and from the home page
August 14th
A thoughtful
newspaper piece on the possible
removal of the bible from the Desert
Island Discs programme is here
August 13th
Fr Simon's
sermon at Merchant Taylors' end of
term service on July 10th last is here
August 12th
A very tall -
even nutty - story on the jokes page
August 10th
It's all
happening - another tasteless item
from the papers - this time
advertising a Vicars and Tarts party
- is posted on the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page
August 9th
Two national
papers report the same story and add
some interesting embellishments
(same link)
A fine story unearthed in a local
free sheet on a local bus: see 'What
the Papers Say' for the vicar
who swears by Jesus
August 8th
Next week's
bulletin is here
August 7th
An addition to
the Forces
page: more information about the
Sailing Soldiers
August 6th
Fr Denis sermon:
'Money Matters' preached last
Sunday, is here
Updated weekly bulletin
showing cancellation of the United
Benefice Barbecue planned for next
Sunday, 11th August
August 5th
First instalment
of 'Confessions of a Choirboy'
(1946-1955) Click here
to read all about it
August 4th
Correction to
this week's bulletin:
the Feast of the Transfiguration is
on Tuesday not Thursday as
originally shown. Tuesday service at
10.00 am; no service on Thursday
A marvellous true story, worthy of
Fawlty Towers, is recounted in the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' columns
August 1st
Next week's bulletin
is here
July 31st
Launch of a new
page: 'What the Papers say'
posting articles of concern to the
Christian community. First topic:
CRB checks on church folk
July 30th
Belated posting
of the current week's bulletin -
July 29th
Matt's follow-up
cartoon is on the jokes
July 28th
Matt's first
'take' on the Archbishop of
Canterbury's Credit Union ambitions
- on the jokes
July 25th
A gentle smile
on the jokes
July 17th
The online
edition of the August Newslink is
July 15th
sermon by Fr Dennis Smith: 'The Good
Samaritan' online here
July 14th
One more awful
story on the jokes page
July 12th
Next week's
bulletin is here
July 11th
groanworthy item from the same show
added to the jokes
July 10th
An irreverent
golfing joke (of sorts) uploaded to
the jokes
page from a television show
July 9th
Updates to
weekday service times posted on the
July 4th
Next week's
bulletin is here
June 29th
Flagged up
today's ordination to the priesthood
of Lucy Davis (the Nyes' daughter) -
4.00 pm in St Albans Cathedral
June 26th
reports on the seeming
secularisation of the Scout and
Guide movement are deposited in the
'Curiouser and Curiouser' archive here
June 25th
Next week's
bulletin is here
June 23rd
Fred Nye's
sermon, preached this morning, is here
June 21st
The United
Benefice Diary of Events for July,
August and September is posted here
June 20th
Next week's
bulletin is here
June 19th
The July 2013
online edition of Newslink
posted here
June 18th
instalment of gleanings from St
Faith's early service registers as
our second incumbent starts to move
us 'up the candle' Read episode 10 here
June 13th
An entertaining
cartoon - not religious, but should
appeal to all the teachers and
ex-teachers in our congregation, here
June 11th
Bulletin time
already (a quiet week!). It's here
June 7th
Next week's
bulletin is here:
it has appended a report on the last
PCC meeeting
June 2nd
Pictures of last
Thursday's Corpus Christi
celebrations - and words about the
symbolism attached to the feast are
May 31st
bulletin is here (although
headed 'St
Mary's', it's
a joint one)
An update on the
forces page,
recording an expedition for wounded
soldiers partly funded by our
Services Family Support Group
May 29th
The sad news of
Joan Utley's death yesterday, posted
on the home page,
with funeral details.
A cartoon on the jokes
page, which will appeal especially
to St Faith's congregation
May 26th
More oddities
from the papers, including the
exploding Crosby Eccles cakes
horror, may be found here
May 23rd
Chairman/person's report to the 2013
APCM is belatedly uploaded here
May 22nd
Next week's
bulletin is here
May 19th
After a long
interval, a few absurdities from the
newspapers, not even vaguely
religious for the most part, are here
May 16th
The June edition
of Newslink is online here
May 15th
Fred Nye's
sermon: 'Revelation' preached last
Sunday and online here
May 14th
Added details of
new 'Jumping Jacks' classes in the
Church Hall here
May 11th
First joke for
weeks - and just in time for
Christian Aid Week - here
May 10th
Words to
accompany the pictures of last
Sunday's service are added here
May 8th
Next week's
bulletin is here
May 7th
Pictures from
last Sunday's special service at St
Faith's are here
May 4th
The final digest
of entries gleaned from St Faith's
first register of services is at the
foot of the page accessed here
May 3rd
The Church
Organisations and Groups reports
presented to the APCM are here
May 2nd
Next week's
bulletin is here
April 30th
More from the
recent APCM (agenda and previous
year's minutes) filed here
April 29th
Index page to
the recent Annual Parochial Church
Meeting opened here
April 27th
to the Saturday concert schedule here
Next week's
bulletin is here
April 18th
Next week's
bulletin is here
April 15th
for May 2013 is here
April 14th
Updates to the
Capriol Singers' information
(concert flyer, facebook and twitter
links) posted here
April 11th
Schedule for the
2013 Summer Saturday concert series
(which begins on April 20th) is here
April 10th
'Hunting for
Horsfalls': another article by John
Woodley, this time about Charles
Horsfall, Douglas's grandfather (and
his slaves!) is here
April 9th
Next week's
bulletin is here
April 8th
Reader Paula
O'Shaughnessy's sermon preached
yesterday at St Faith's is here
April 7th
The Annual
Report, as approved by the PCC
today, to be presented to the Annual
Parochial Church Meeting on April
23rd, is here
April 4th
Next week's
bulletin (first week of new A5
format for printed sheets) is here
April 3rd
The three
Triduum sermons preached last week
by Fr Simon (on Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday and Easter Eve) are here
April 2nd
index to all Lent and Easter photo
galleries and other resources is here
April 1st
No fooling - the
Easter Day gallery of pictures is here
March 31st
Straight from
the camera to the site - highlights
of last night's Easter vigil service
are here,
with every good wish to all visitors
for a happy and blessed Eastertide
March 30th
Pictures from
Good Friday and Holy Saturday (i.e.
today!) are here
that the Saturday Concert series
will begin a week later this year -
April 13th
March 29th
Pictures from
yesterday's Maundy Thursday night
service are here
March 28th
Fr Dennis
Smith's sermon: 'Reconciliation'
preached last night, is here
March 27th
Next week's
bulletin here
March 26th
A nice little
cartoon here
recently recycled in the
March 25th
The Wintry Walk:
pictures from yesterday's Palm
Sunday walk of witness here
March 24th
An account from
1900 of the completion and first
recital played on St Faith's organ
is here
March 23rd
Next week's
bulletin, with Holy Week and Easter
details is here
March 20th
Updated UB diary
online here
- Deanery Eucharist on April 21st at
St Oswald's, Netherton
The April Newslink with the
usual extra pictures, is here
March 19th
sermon by Fr Simon Tibbs is here
March 18th
More from the
archives: our founder and our first
vicar meet the people in 1899 while
St Faith's is still under
construction... click here
March 17th
Yet again, Matt
has an angle here on
Pope Francis... younger than most
tortoises, anyway!
March 16th
Matt has a
second take on the new Pope here
March 15th
The story of
Mothering Sunday 2013 at St Faith's
is here
March 14th
Cartoonist Matt
celebrates the papal election here
March 13th
Next week's
bulletin - with Holy Week and Easter
services - here
March 9th
information about Holistic|Therapy
sessions and Craft Fayre days in the
church hall here
March 8th
A new chapter
added here
to the 'Registering the Past'
archive, giving the historical
perspective on the events of 1915
and the following years
March 7th
A barbed
addition to the jokes
March 6th
Next week's
bulletin here
March 5th
'The Barren Fig
Tree': Fred Nye's sermon preached
last Sunday is here
March 4th
A contemporary
newspaper account of the
consecration service of St Faith's
in 1900 (and the very first protest
demonstration!) is here.
It throws up several questions -
analysis to follow
March 2nd
Photo and brief
biography of Fr Simon added to the
United Benefice Ministry Team
portraits here
February 28th
The promised new
page added to the Horsfall archive:
'Howard Douglas Horsfall - Delving
into the Past', by John Woodley,
added here,
featuring a fine painting of our
February 27th
bulletin here
Reports from the
St Faith's Services Support Group
meetings added to the forces online
page here
February 24th
Updating and
making minor corrections to pages
linked from the Horsfall
story (the founding of St
Faith's, our benefactor's story
etc), a new page to which is to be
added soon
The latest chapter in 'Registering
the Past' (the story of our first
service register) uploaded here
February 23rd
An irreverent
addition to the jokes
February 21st
Next week's
bulletin here
Crosby Symphony
Orchestra April concert
flyer is here
March online
edition of Newslink, with
extra photos - online here
February 18th
sermon by Fr Dennis online here
February 16th
A new Lenten
addition to the jokes
February 15th
Services and
events for April, May and June added
to the United Benefice 2013 diary here
February 14th
Next week's
bulletin here
Details of all
Lent services and activities, with
links to various archives and
resources, uploaded here
February 12th
Updated diary of
events online here
February 11th
The rest of
yesterday's pre-Lent lunch pictures
are here
February 10th
First batch of pictures from today's
United Benefice Senior Citizens'
Pre-Lent lunch are here
February 8th
Added diary
of church hall bookings for
2013 here
and from the church hall
February 7th
irreverent take on the same-sex
marriage vote is here
February 6th
Next week's
bulletin online
February 3rd
Revd Denise's
sermon this morning on 'Candlemas'
uploaded here
February 1st
Someone a bit
like Gandalf features on the jokes
January 30th
Next week's bulletin online
January 27th
Updates to
United Benefice diary: (Quiet
afternoon, Sunday evening extra
services) here
January 24th
Next week's bulletin online
January 23rd
Online edition
of February Newslink - with
extra pages - uploaded here
January 21st
Fred Nye's
sermon preached yesterday is here
January 18th
Next week's
bulletin is online - henceforth as a
pdf file - here
January 15th
Updated details
of uniformed organisations in the Directory
January 14th
Fr Simon's first
sermon at St Faith's is here
January 13th
Pictures from
today's first service with our new
vicar, and a verbal impression of
the induction here
January 12th
In memory of
Mona Turner, R.I.P., a dedicated page
featuring her funeral service and
address and two tributes
January 11th
The rest of the
pictures from Wednesday night (one
man and his dog?) are here
January 10th
First batch of
pictures of last night's
installation and licensing service
are here
Next week's
bulletins are here
January 9th
(welcome Fr Simon Tibbs!)
Several more
details updated on the 2012 United
Benefice Diary (all highlighted) and
may be accessed here
Crosby Symphony Orchestra February
concert flyer uploaded to the music
page here
January 8th
evening's licensing service is
available for those who can't be
there (or are simply curious!) here
January 7th
Updates to the
2013 diary for February 2nd, 10th
and 17th highlighted here
January 6th
To mark the
Feast of the Epiphany, a final Wise
Men joke here
January 5th
Flagged up the
Epiphany resource page, which is here
January 4th
A further
instalment of 'Registering the
Past', taking the story up to the
outbreak of World War 1, is here
January 3rd
Another take on
the Epiphany visit on the jokes page
January 2nd
bulletins are
1st, 2013
We wish all visitors to our site a
happy, joyful and peaceful New Year
December 31st, 2012
The last sermon
of the old year: Revd Denise's words
delivered yesterday are here
December 30th
Relaunched the
New Year page here
- and a cheerful New Year animation
is here
December 29th
The Magi are on
the way... see the jokes
December 27th
Next week's
bulletins are here
December 26th
The sermon
preached on Christmas morning by
Revd Denise is here
December 25th
No new postings - just every good wish
and blessing for a joyful and peaceful
Christmas 2012
December 24th
While we're
waiting for Christmas, why not build
a snowman here
December 22nd
A tasteless
variation on the Advent calendar
theme online here
December 21st
Matt finds yet
another angle on the gay marriage
controversy on the jokes
December 20th
The website's
Christmas pages, linking services,
poems, pictures and sermons
and updated for 2012 are here
Next week's bulletins - with
Christmas week services - is here
December 19th
yesterday's false dawn, - the
January 2013 Newslink
(with extra
pictures and a
poem) really
is online here
'Trusting the Peace': Cynthia Johnson's sermon
preached last Sunday is online here
December 17th
Back with Matt
and another angle on the gay
marriage controversy here
December 16th
Diary update to
flag up joint
service at SF on Sunday
January 13th
The Oldie puts the boot in to
monastic vows here
December 15th
The final page
of the Tree Festival record:
extracts from the Visitors' Book and
the Prayer Tree are here
December 14th
Houghton looks back on the Tree
Festival here
December 13th
A final posting
on the Interregnum
page as we await Fr Simon's
licensing in less than four weeks'
Matt takes up an
Anglican position on the jokes
December 12th
bulletin here
and biographies of the Ministry Team
uploaded to the Directory
December 11th
Cartoonist Matt's
sideways look at same-sex marriage is on
the jokes page
December 10th
An introduction from
Fr Simon is here
December 9th
Final batch of Tree
Festival photos - the last hours and the
big clean-up are here
Updates to the
United Benefice 2013 diary
- Epiphany and Candlemas evening
services; Parade services in March
December 8th
Back amongst the
trees, more images of schools and
soup-eaters at the Christmas Tree
Festival here
December 7th
Interlude - further
extracts from the earliest St Faith's
service register added to the archive
accessed here
December 6th
'And the Band played
on...' - pictures from last night's
concert at the Christmas Tree festival
are here
Next week's bulletin here
December 5th
A handful of pictures
from the first three weekdays of the
Christmas Tree Festival here
December 4th
Revd Denise's Advent
Sunday sermon is here
December 3rd
Updated report on the
Christmas Tree Festival and the Advent Toy
Service here
December 2nd
Diary updated
with postponement of Epiphany lunch and
addition of induction service
December 1st
Two days of preparations
for tomorrow's Christmas Tree Festival
recorded here
November 30th
In the wake of the
Leveson report, Matt considers its
significance for the C of E on the jokes page
November 29th
Today's activity on
the Festival
front is
recorded here
Next week's
bulletin here
November 28th
The first instalment of
'Talking of Trees' - the record of the 2012
Christmas Tree Festival - uploaded here
November 27th
A small addition to the
incumbent announcement notice - the location
for the Induction service - added here
November 26th
Yesterday a new vicar -
today a new joke
- or one out of the Ark?
November 25th
A splendid newsflash - the announcement this
morning of the appointment of our next
vicar. Read the headlines HERE
November 24th
And another
November 23rd
Just time for a quick
cartoon on the
jokes page
November 21st
Next week's bulletin
On the day the Synod
votes, Matt's cartoon lightens the mood here
The December edition of Newslink
online here
November 18th
Yesterday's sermon by
Fred Nye: 'Back to Basics' is here
Uploaded dates for Table Sales in 2013 here
November 17th
'The Oldie' nails it (!) in another cartoon
on the jokes
November 15th
A rather silly cartoon
from 'The Oldie' calendar here
November 14th
Next week's bulletin here
Posted last Sunday's
Remembrance Day sermon by the
Archdeacon of Liverpool: 'An End to
War?' here
November 12th
Uploaded information
about the December Christmas Tree Festival here
November 9th
Flagged up and updated
pages of poetry for Remembrance Sunday and
season here
The Daily Telegraph's cartoonist, Matt,
celebrates the new Archbishop of
Canterbury's appointment on the jokes page
November 8th
The provisional diary of
services and events in the United Benefice
from January - March 2013 is here
November 7th
Next week's bulletin here
Revd Denise's sermon at
the All Souls' night service is here
November 2nd
week's bulletin here
A nice little addition
to the jokes
CSO full concert schedule for 2013 - and the
rest of this year - published here; music home page
For anyone interested, the website counter
has just passed 150,000 hits
October 30th
A batty story on the jokes page
October 28th
A new take on a biblical
story on the jokes
October 27th
Two impressions of the
recent parishes weekend in North Wales are
posted here
October 26th
You may have seen this
offensive cartoon before as well ... on the
jokes page
October 25th
week's bulletin here
October 23rd
A wicked joke - maybe
you've heard it before, but it's worth
repeating - on the jokes
October 22nd
Fr Dennis's sermon,
preached yesterday, is online here
October 19th
Another daft cartoon
from The Oldie on the jokes page
October 18th
week's bulletin here
November Newslink - with
the usual extra colour photos - uploaded here
October 14th
An entertaining photograph added to
the jokes page
October 12th
The great home-made jam saga - read
about it on the 'Curiouser and Curiouser' page
October 11th
Next week's
bulletin here
Fr Richard Capper's sermon on the Eve of
St Faith is here
October 7th
The rest of the 'Patronal Pageantry'
photos are here
October 6th (St Faith's Day, 2012)
First batch of photos from last night's
High Mass for the Eve of St Faith here
October 5th
Information about the new Active
Workforce Zumba sessions in the church hall is here
October 4th
Messages and pictures about the recent
cathedral Reader licensing from new Reader Paula
O'Shaughnessy and old Reader (!) Jackie Parry at the foot of
the 'Morning at St Mary's' page are here
October 3rd
week's bulletin here
October 2nd
Updated index page for Patronal Festival
weekend celebrations, archives of previous year's events and
what we know (or don't!) about St Faith and her world-wide
churches is here
October 1st
and words from St Mary's yesterday (Harvest, Lunch, a new
Reader!) here
September 29th
Rick Walker's account of the harmony and jazz evening for
the Waterloo Partnership added to
the picture gallery - click here
September 28th
A nice little Sunday School joke on the
jokes page
September 27th
Next week's (joint) bulletin here
September 26th
Updates to the United Benefice diary,
including changes to Christmas services, posted here
September 23rd
Picture gallery (article to follow) of
last Friday's Barbershop and Jazz concert in St Faith's for
the Waterloo Partnership here
September 22nd
Text and pictures of George
Houldin's book 'Fifty Years', telling the
story of St Faith's up to 1950, is here and via the history index
September 21st
Revised text of October Newslink
with restoration of inadvertently omitted chunk of Maureen's
key article on interregnum progress is here
September 20th
Next week's bulletin
September 19th
The 1930 booklet telling the story of
the early years of St Faith's is here and via the history index page
September 18th
The October Newslink published.
No pictures in the printed edition this month - but there
are some here!
September 17th
Added a new feature: 'Registering the Past'
to the Story of St Faith's historical archive feature
September 14th
Index page for all documents
appertaining to and including the PARISH PROFILE uploaded here
September 12th
'The Story of Section Twelve' - the latest bulletin in the
developing saga of the interregnum,
the PCCs and the Parish Profile
September 11th
Next week's bulletin
September 10th
New index page: 'The Story of St
Faith's', accessing all historical material and
photographs, uploaded here
September 9th
This morning's sermon by Fred Nye:
'Does religion work?' online here
September 8th
Flagged up forthcoming collation of
all pages relating to the history of St Faith's
September 7th
A sideways look at the economy on the jokes page
September 6th
Ruth Winder's account of the hall
refurbishment saga is online here
September 5th
Next week's bulletin
Website address for St Faith's Gaywood, Norfolk added to list of St Faith's churches
September 4th
Updates and corrections to uniformed
organisations information in the directory
September 2nd
Yesterday's sermon by Reader-in-waiting,
Paula O'Shaughnessy, here
August 31st
More pictures of the final day's work here as the 'in-house' team
apply the finishing touches to the church hall
August 30th
Picture gallery of the almost-completed
church hall redecoration here
August 28th
Next week's bulletin
August 26th
Today's sermon by Fred Nye - 'Desertion' -
online here
August 25th
After a long wait, a new addition to the 'Curiouser and Curiouser' page
August 24th
A new take on an old festival on the jokes page
August 23rd
Next week's bulletin posted
August 22nd
Flagged up forthcoming Opera Viva concert
at St Mary's here
August 18th
Not exactly a joke, more a wry commentary.
And not exactly religious, but it is reprinted from a church
magazine. Read it here
August 17th
A new ongoing feature - the Interregnum
Bulletin - open for business here
August 16th
Next week's bulletin
August 15th
September 2012 edition of Newslink
uploaded here
August 14th
Rationalised the home
page display consolidating all archived records of
recent weeks
August 13th
A pleasing little clerical golfing joke
may be enjoyed here
August 12th
Today's sermon, by Fr Ian Wynne, uploaded
here already
August 9th
Next week's bulletin posted
August 5th
A rather tasteless lavatory joke added to
the jokes page
August 3rd
Flagged up planned parishes weekend at
Noddfa in North Wales here
August 2nd
Next week's bulletin posted
August 1st
Various changes to the United Benefice diary of services and events
July 31st
The full account of the attack of the
Bushey Battalion is here
July 30th
Sermon preached yesterday by Fr Mark
Waters uploaded here
July 28th
The second page of words and pictures
recording the installation of Fr Neil
to the benefice of Bushey
July 27th
An obscure joke for intellectual
scientists on the jokes page
July 25th
'The Day we went to
Bushey' - first page of pictures from St Albans and
Bushey of the pilgrimage down south to see Fr Neil read into
office there
July 24th
Another joke (of sorts) on the jokes page
July 23rd
The text of Revd Denise's
sermon preached yesterday uploaded here
July 22nd
Link to Fr Neil's new
parishes' website added here
July 19th
Next week's bulletin
July 18th
The online August Newslink - with extra pages as usual is here
July 17th
Further updates to the church
hall events and activities page posted here
July 12th
Next week's bulletin
July 11th
'Rock Choir' is coming to St
Faith's in September. Read about it here
(and even
join in!)
July 10th
As a taster to a DVD of St
Faith's music to be released in the autumn, the final verse of
Fr Neil singing 'Were you there...' may be heard here
July 6th
Fr Dennis Smith's sermon
preached last Sunday is here
July 5th
The final (half a...)
Milestone, for the current year, posted here
Next week's bulletin posted
July 4th
As a change from all the
pictures, a little cartoon which surely won't upset
anyone...? See the jokes page
July 3rd
'Three Days to Remember' - the
final (presentations and last service) page of last weekend's
events uploaded here
July 2nd
'Three Days to Remember' - second
(party time!) page of last weekend's events in retrospect
uploaded here
July 1st
The 2011 milestone here
June 30th
'Three Days to Remember' -
first page of last weekend's events in retrospect uploaded here
June 29th
The 2010 milestone here
June 28th
Diaries and pictures from the
recent United Benefice over-65s holiday week posted here
week's bulletin
Several alterations to services
and events posted in the updated United
Benefice Diary
June 27th
Last Sunday's sermon (Fr Neil's
last at St Mary's) uploaded here
June 24th
The 2009 milestone here
June 22nd
2008 milestone here
June 21st
2007 milestone here
Next week's joint
June 20th
July edition of Newslink online here
June 19th
Last Sunday's sermon (Fr
Neil's last at St Faith's) uploaded here
June 18th
The 2006 Milestone here
June 17th
The 2005 Milestone (half-way
through the sequence) here
June 15th
The 2004 Milestone (remember
Conques and the BBC broadcasts?) here
June 14th
week's bulletin
Matt strikes again, on the jokes
June 13th
The 2003 Milestone retrospective
June 11th
The Milestone retrospective for
the year 2002 here
June 9th
wordless cartoon posted on the jokes
June 8th
The Milestone retrospective
for the year 2001 - Walsingham visits and the first pantomime
- here
June 7th
week's bulletin
June 6th
The Milestone retrospective
for the year 2000 - the Centenary Patronal and the Banners - here
June 5th
A shaggy dog story
apologetically uploaded to the jokes
June 4th
The Diamond Jubilee sermon
preached yesterday by Fr Steve Holt is here
An addition to the jokes archive is here
June 3rd
The first instalment of a
year-by-year scrapbook - Milestones in a Ministry - to cover
the years from Fr Neil's arrival to his departure. Milestone 1999 features his
induction and the centenary window
June 2nd
An all too likely scenario in
a cartoon from The Oldie on the jokes
June 1st
Revised pattern of weekday
worship from June 4th posted in the Directory
May 31st
week's bulletin
May 29th
Flagged up Thursday's Patronal Festival at St
May 27th
Today's sermon by Fr Neil:
'Praying at Pentecost' uploaded here
May 25th
week's bulletin
May 18th
week's bulletin
May 17th
Fr Neil's Christian Aid
Sunday sermon uploaded here
May 16th
June edition of Newslink uploaded, with the usual extra pictures
May 11th
Assorted housekeeping: diary
changes updated, Deanery service flagged etc
May 10th
week's bulletin
May 8th
Second page of pictures of the
Spring Fair event here
May 7th
First page of pictures of
last Saturday's highly successful Spring Fair event here
May 3rd
week's bulletin
May 2nd
After a long gap, a nice
little addition to the jokes page
May 1st
More details about this
Saturday's grand SPRING FAIR posted HERE
April 28th
Five addresses given by
Mirfield students during Lent at St Faith's now uploaded here
April 27th
week's bulletin
posted (joint with St Mary's)
April 25th
Event flyer for the grand
SPRING FAIR on Saturday 5th May uploaded here
April 24th
A blow-by-blow account of
Monday's A.P.C.M. - agenda,
minutes, reports, accounts - and Fr Neil's valedictory report
to the annual meeting....
April 22nd
Today's Sermon - 'Ghosts' -by
Revd Denise uploaded here
April 20th
In advance of next Monday's
Annual Parochial Church Meeting, the statutory reports and
accounts are available here
April 19th
week's bulletin
April 17th
May edition of Newslink
To mark the 'Titanic'
centenary, words and a music link from today's Act of
Commemoration at St Faith's here
April 12th
New material on the Joseph Bell and the Titanic
Disaster page: notably extracts from the church
registers for 1912 and 1913
April 11th
week's bulletin
April 9th
The final page of the Holy
Week illustrated record - Easter Day is here
April 8th
The illustrated story of the
services on Good Friday and Holy Saturday uploaded here
April 7th
The record of the Maundy
Thursday service online here
April 6th
From the sublime to the
ridiculous on the jokes page
April 5th
Words and pictures of
Tuesday's powerful liturgical performance of Liszt's 'Via Crucis'
April 4th
week's bulletin
A heavenly
little addition to the jokes
April 3rd
'Journeying to Easter -
pictures from Palm Sunday at St Faith's launching a pictorial record of Holy Week
and Easter
March 31st
The latest addition to the jokes page
March 27th
all Holy Week and Easter details)
March 25th
Yet another new cartoon on the jokes page
contribution to the jokes
week's bulletin
Matt's wry look at the
same-sex marriage
controversy uploaded to the
March 20th
Full schedule of Holy
Week and Easter services
posted here,
including a very special
service on the Tuesday here
March 19th
Yesterday's Mother Sunday
- 'Special Relationships' -
March 17th
Matt hits the spot as
usual with a comment on
Archbishop Rowan's retirement
announcement - on the jokes
March 16th
edition of Newslink,
with extra feature, uploaded.
Cancellation of Sandymount
quiet afternoon notified on
the bulletin
March 15th
week's bulletin
Marking the Titanic
centenary, an update
to the Joseph Bell
memorial page, announcement of
a service on April 15th,
and a link to a new website.
March 13th
A biblical story for our
times added to the jokes
March 12th
Yesterday's sermon by Fr
Dennis - ''Cleaning up the
Temple' - added to the sermons
March 11th
A trio of odd
stories added to the Curiouser
and Curiouser collection
March 10th
A somewhat less sweet
offering from The
Oldie on
the jokes
March 9th
rather sweet little cartoon
from The Oldie on
the jokes
week's bulletin
comment on the row over
same-sex marriages: on the jokes
March 7th
Daniel Rathbone - our new
musical supremo -
introduces himself here
March 4th
Details of the 2012
Summer Saturday concert
programme published here,
on the music
index page and on the notice
March 3rd
Matt strikes again on the
page, as the 2012 Tablet comes
down from the mountain
March 1st
Addition of material
about our founder's son, Great
War casualty Robert Horsfall,
added to the Armed
Forces page
week's bulletin
Announcement of the
appointment of Daniel Rathbone
as Acting Director of Music at
St Faith's
Various updates to the United
Benefice 2012 Diary
(mainly Saturday concerts)
February 28th
A new
feature, about the Liverpool
Pals and their connections
with St Faith's, added to the
idiocies coming thick and fast
on the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page
February 26th
The first update of
additional material on the
Opening of a new page
featuring our connections with
the Armed
February 24th
Updated links for Crosby
Symphony Orchestra concerts here
February 23rd
of Fr Neil's move in June to be
Rector of Bushey posted here
Next week's bulletin
More examples of
frustrating bureaucracy on the
and Curiouser' page
February 21st
Words and pictures of
Sunday's High
Altar preparations and the
pre-Lent lunch
February 20th
Fr Neil's pre-Lent
sermon: 'Reconciliation' -
posted here
and on the Lent
February 18th
An allegedly true story
(from the Daily
Mail!) posted on
the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page
February 17th
March edition of Newslink
online here
week's bulletin
February 15th
page about our Fairtrade
involvement and activities linked
from the Notice Board and here
February 14th
hits the spot once again in this
offering on the jokes
February 13th
a new page introducing the
forthcoming season
of Lent and linking to
various resources and archived
February 12th
splendid cartoon
commenting on the ban on prayers
by a certain local council
February 11th
page with details of all United
Benefice and Churches Together
activities during Lent posted on
the home page and here
February 10th
fine fulmination from The Oldie reproduced
in the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' archive
February 9th
Next week's bulletin posted
more seemly cartoon (actually the
300th uploading to
this page since its inception!) on
the jokes
February 6th
scurrilous joke on the jokes page
February 5th
celebrate the return of normal
services, a wicked little video
about the C of E (with apologies
to anyone upset thereby) linked
from the jokes page
(and direct access here)
February 3rd
Sorry about temporary loss of access
to the site.. the problem was caused
by 1and1! Full normal service
(including the front page) is
promised before too long....
of the forthcoming Lent Sunday
evening addresses linked from the
February 2nd
Next week's bulletin posted
offering on the jokes page
January 31st
rest of the pictures from the
Senior Citizens' Epiphany-tide
lunch uploaded here
January 30th
at Epiphany-tide' - first pictures
from yesterday's United Benefice
Senior Citizen's lunch here
January 29th
choice bit of Health and Safety
nonsense added to the Curiouser
and Curiouser page
January 28th
various items on the Church
Hall activities page
January 26th
Next week's bulletin posted
(joint with St Mary's)
Home page
and Notice
Board updated with details
of Candlemass service
January 24th
Dennis's sermon: 'Visiting Uncle
George' online here
January 23rd
updates affecting February 6th,
February 7th and October 20th
online here
January 21st
clerical joke on the jokes
about the special service on
February 6th to mark the Queen's
Jubilee posted here
and on the home page
January 19th
Next week's bulletin posted
edition of Newslink
January 18th
Symphony Orchestra's 2012 concerts
posted on the Notice Board
entertainment about mothers and
children on the jokes
January 16th
by Fr Neil's launching the 2012
Stewardship Campaign uploaded
January 13th
Diary updated
(Spring Fair and Fun Day now
scheduled for May 5th)
January 12th
Next week's bulletin posted
January 11th
exactly a religious cartoon,
but this ex-English teacher
couldn't resist it...
January 10th
ecumenical joke to
say farewell to Christmas
January 9th
for failing to update the bulletin
two days ago. It's OK now!
January 7th
update to the notice
January 5th
Next week's bulletin posted
to the United Benefice Diary;
flagged up the Epiphany
January 2nd
Holy Name of Jesus' - Fr Neil's sermon
preached yesterday
January 1st, 2012: 0020 hrs
from Liverpool on the home page...
and New Year greetings!
December 30th
relaunch of the New
Year page
December 29th
Next week's bulletin posted
a short festive break, a return to
recording some of the absurdities
of contemporary life
Beetle Drive event removed from
2012 diary of events
Neil Kelley's sermon from last
night's Midnight Mass here
A very happy and blessed Christmas
to all visitors to our site from
the people of St Faith's. Full
details of all services during
Christmas week here
December 24th
full year's diary of services and
events in the United Benefice
online here
and from the home page
December 23rd
Next week's bulletin posted
Benefice Diary of Events for
January - March 2012 online (pdf
file) via the home page and here
for the 2012 Saturday Table Sales
in the Church Hall online here
December 21st
wondrous piece of political
correctness in a newspaper report
on the 'Curiouser
and Curiouser' page
December 20th
Talk' - Fr Dennis's sermon
last Sunday uploaded
December 19th
nice little cartoon from The
Oldie added to the jokes page
still Advent, of course, but an
interactive Christmas Card
animation has been reloaded here
December 17th
pleasing item uploaded at the top
of the church
choir page
December 16th
cartoon uploaded to the jokes page
December 15th
January 2012 issue of Newslink uploaded
December 14th
Next week's bulletin posted
whimsical addition to the cartoons
on the jokes
December 13th
to the Trees: a selection of visitors'
comments and prayers
December 12th
A splendid piece about 'independent
bishops' on the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' page
pictures from the Tree
Festival as we cleaned
everything up today!
December 10th
interlude from the Trees to enjoy some
P.C. absurdity on the 'Curiouser and
Curiouser' page
Festival update
December 8th
instalment of the week's events at the
Next week's bulletin posted
second instalment of the week's events
at the Tree
July 19th
August 23rd