Images from last Sunday's Family Service

At our last Family and Parade Service, our Gospel reading was from St. John, Chapter 5.
The story tells of a man who was crippled, and couldn't get to the waters of a healing pool.
Jesus healed him anyway.
The story was brought to life for us by the children. Some took the part of angels,
who came and shook the waters of the pool, represented by a great swathe of blue cloth.
Others were people with impairments or illness, who made their way to the pool,
and were healed by having bandages and crutches removed.
Barbara Haugh from Waterloo Primary School provided suitably watery accompaniment on the harp.
The congregation then wrote their requests for prayers for healing on cardboard water drops
that were fixed to the cloth and hung for everybody to look at.

All of this, combined with lively music (some of it in Latin) made for a memorable and beautiful service.

Photos by Denis Griffiths