The All-Round Picture of Saint Faith's

The 19 pictures below are the original photographs taken by Denis Griffiths from the top of our bell-tower in August, 2007.

They were 'stitched' together using a sophisticated software programme and rendered into movie format to create the panorama 'movie', which can be rotated by cursor dragging through 360 degrees. As can be seen, there is considerable overlap betwen pictures to enable a smooth transition  to be achieved in the final all-round panorama.

Click on  any picture to bring up a larger image - and identify at leisure churches, landmarks, office blocks, schools, seascapes and windfarms. The pictures are presented without captions, but we will be happy to add a caption identifying any individual houses or other so far unlabelled places of interest. Although the pictures are of fine quality, and taken on a hot day, to date no revealing images of sunbathuing members of the parish have come to light...!




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