Palm Sunday Panorama Part 2

The Night of the Last Supper

One of the highlights of Holy Week at St Faith's is the dramatic and moving liturgy of Maundy Thursday.

The word comes from the Latin 'mandatum' - Christ's command to his followers to celebrate the Holy Eucharist
in his memory. Part of the service features a procession to the Lady Chapel: the Altar of Repose, where the
reserved sacrament is kept, always a feature of devotion, and on this night especially reverenced as the
centrepiece of
a chapel bedecked with greenery, symbolising the Garden of Gethsemane, where Christ's body
rested and lit
by many candles. Here in the darkness the people of our church watched and prayed as the
service ended,
with some taking turns in prayer and devotion until midnight.

Words and pictures: Chris Price

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