'Away in a Manger'

The new Nativity Crib at Saint Mary's: December 2005/January 2006

Our pictures show the setting and details from the recently-installed crib, positioned beneath the High Altar in the sanctuary of Saint Mary's. It was donated through a generous legacy in memory of Mrs Betty Winsor.

The next three pictures, taken by Pam Bennett, show scenes from the blessing of the Crib on Christmas Eve.

Finally, on New Year's Day 2006, Chris Price's pictures show the view to the crib above the lit Advent candles, Fr Neil and Fr Derek Hyett (curate, St Alphege, Edmonton, London) before the High Altar, and Fr Neil with Junior Church children as the Three Kings finding the gift of gold in a side aisle window ready for the joruney to place it by the crib.

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