'Meeting People'

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting at Saint Faith's

The Church of England, for all its ancient traditions and ceremonies, is basically a democratic institution. The laity decide what sort of an incumbent they want, their representatives interview candidates and have the power to invite or reject them. And although when appointed, vicars 'call the tune' in many areas, notably of course in matters of worship, they have to work with the churchwardens of the parish, who are the Bishop's officers, and also with and through the PCC - the Parochial Church Council.

This body am contain some members who are not elected (other clergy in the parish, churchwardens, Deanery Synod representatives and Readers for example, who are 'ex officio' members because of the offices they hold), but the majority are voted for annually by the registered members of the congregation, and, although they are representatives rather than delegates, they are there to speak for the people, and have the power to make policy and decisions in many areas. Recently, their status has been enhanced as under new legislation they are now appointed as legal trustees of the church.

Every parish has to hold an annual meeting at which those who represent it are elected. There are technically two meetings. At the first, or Vestry Meeting, which exists solely for this purpose, two churchwardens are elected to serve for the following year. They may be re-elected, but by Church regulations for no more than six successive years. This meeting is open to everyone living in the parish, (but 'outsiders' are rarely if ever seen) while at the Parochial Church Meeting which invariably follows it, only those on the Electoral Roll (enrolled regular worshippers and others, worshippers or not, living in the parish and wishing to be on the roll) may vote. This meeting elects PCC members (for a three-year stint, after which they cannot stand for re-election until a year has passed) and others, approves the church accounts and may hear reports and debate matters. It represents an annual opportunity for those who choose to exercise their democratic rights, question or challenge those who represent them and speak about anything that concerns them. The meeting hears a report from the incumbent for the year concerned or, in an interregnum, from the lay chair of the PCC. The financial report is received and approved, and plans for the future may be put forward.

APCMs at our church are usually held soon after Easter:  in recent years on or near St George's Day, following an evening church service and refreshments to prepare those who turn up to shape the church's activity for the year ahead. The 2016 meeting date is earlier than usual: March 15th.

Follow the links below to read highlights from recent APCMs, including the Vicar's traditional address to the meetings, and the brief written reports presented to those attending and which give a snapshot of the life of our church in the years concerned.  Recent reports also provide links to the statutory Report and Financial Statement  for the previous year as required by the Church of England and presented at APCMs.

The 2019 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2018 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2017 Annual Parochial Church Meeting official report;  Chairman's remarks here

The 2016 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2015 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2014 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2013 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2012 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2011 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2010 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2009 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2008 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2007 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The 2005 and 2006 Annual Parochial Church Meetings

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