St Faith’s Church, Great Crosby

If you would like to make a booking for St Faith's Church Hall, please download this form and read the conditions carefully.

When complete, please return this form by post to: 
Ruth Winder, Church Hall Secretary,
36 Milton Road, Waterloo, Liverpool,  L22 4RF. 

Confirmation of your booking will be provided if you enclose a stamped, addressed envelope.

1.    Nature of event: ____________________________________________________

2.    Name of organisation: _______________________________________________

3.    Name of person booking: _____________________________________________

4.    Position in organisation: ______________________________________________

5.    Full address: _______________________________________________________

    ____________________________________ Postcode : ____________________

6.    Daytime telephone contact: ___________________________________________

7.    E-mail address: _____________________________________________________

8.    Date(s) of event: _____________________________________________________

9.    Time of event: From ________________________ To _______________________

10.  Room(s) required:    Main Hall    Kitchen        Upper Room    Stage

I attach two cheques, made payable to “St Faith’s PCC” for (1) the rental and (2) a booking deposit of £50.  I understand that in the event of late cancellation, over-running the event, failure to leave the premises clean or causing damage or breakage or other complaint I may forfeit all or part of this amount. In any other event the cheque will be destroyed one week after the event or returned to me if I attach a stamped addressed envelope marked "returned papers".   I understand that:

I am responsible for setting up the Hall, returning it to a clean and tidy condition afterwards, for supervision and security of the premises, protection of the fabric and contents from damage, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises.  If this is not done to the satisfaction of the PCC, or if there are any breakages, then I undertake to pay £50 + the full costs of cleaning and/or restitution. 

The Hall must be vacated by 11.00pm at the latest.

The Hall is within the Church grounds and may only be used in appropriate ways.  No noise or disruptive activity is permitted when the Church is being used for prayer or worship. Sound levels must not cause annoyance to local residents or to other users of the Hall.  I cannot sub-let or use the premises or do anything or bring on to the premises anything that may endanger the premises, their users, or any relevant insurance policies.

There is a strict No Smoking policy within Church premises.

I am responsible for obtaining any Local Authority or other licences necessary in connection with the booking, for making adequate arrangements to insure against any Third Party claims that may lie against me or my organisation whilst using the premises, and for the observance of all regulations affecting the premises imposed by the Licensing Authority, Fire Authority, Police Authority, Environmental Health, Social Services or otherwise.

I confirm that I am responsible for the orderly and safe admission and departure of persons from the Hall, including car parking and the safe evacuation of the Hall in case of emergency.

In accordance with legislation on the protection of children, I confirm that I understand the provisions and undertake to provide an adequate number of trained supervisors where the children and young people are under 16 years of age. 

If selling goods on the premises, I shall comply with all relevant Fair Trading laws and any local code of practice issued in connection with such sales.
No posters, boards, flags, emblems or any form of artwork may be displayed without the permission of the PCC.

My booking is only confirmed when the PCC receives and banks the rental fee.  If I cancel the booking within 48hrs of the event, the rental is not refundable; if the PCC cancels the event, the fee is refunded in full.  The PCC reserves the right to cancel the booking in exceptional circumstances and the maximum practicable notice shall be given.

If I am given a key, I undertake under no circumstances to give it to a third party or to have a copy made, and to return it at the end of the hire.  If I do not return it, then the Church may have to have new locks fitted and I agree to pay an additional £50.

I indemnify the PCC in respect of the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the premises, including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the building during or as a result of a booking and in respect of any liability to third parties or otherwise arising out of the use of the premises pursuant to the hiring.

I acknowledge that no tenancy exists between me/my organisation and the PCC and no relationship of landlord and tenant exists between us.

By my signature below I have accepted all the conditions set out above on behalf of my organisation.

Signature of person booking ______________________________________________

Date ________________________________

Official Use

Date booking received __________________

Date booking confirmed _________________

Deposit received _______________________  Fee received ___________________

Authorised on behalf of the PCC __________________________________________