Flowers and candles before the statue of Saint Faith on October 6th



Saint Faith's Day, 2004:
Countdown to Conques

The splendid ceremonial of the Patronal Festival High Mass, which has been held at our church on the night of Saint Faith's Day, October 6th, for some forty years now, was given an extra dimension this year.

At the end of the service Bishop Tony Robinson, Bishop of Pontefract, who had celebrated and preached, gave his blessing to the members of our congregation and friends who would, early the next morning, be setting out for the south of France.

Below , accompanying an illustration of the Abbey of Saint Foy, is the text of the ceremony of blessing, and above it the words, in English and French, from the community of Sainte Foy, sung by our choir as the Gradual music during the High Mass.

The pilgrims return on Monday, October 11th, and pictures and various accounts of this momentous event in the history of our church will be added as soon as they become available.

Words from the Community of Sainte Foy in Conques

Comme une fleur tu as grandi dans l'amour de Dieu et de ses enfants, 
la vie donnée a comblé ton coeur qui brûlait en témoin de la Foi.
Like a flower you grew in the love of God and of  his children; 
devotion overflowed in your heart which burned in witness to the Faith.

Tu as choisi d'aimer Jésus, il est ton sourire et toute ta joie. Tu as choisi d'aimer 
Jésus, en ce jour prie pour nous Sainte Foy.
You chose to love Jesus, he is your smile and your joy complete; 
you chose to love Jesus. Pray for us, Saint Faith, today.

Ta vie donnée porte du fruit dans le monde entier, encore aujourd'hui, 
Ta vie donnée va porter du fruit donne-nous d'aimer Dieu jour et nuit.
Your devotion still bears fruit today throughout the world, 
and will continue to bear fruit. Help us to love God, day and night.

Tu as choisi d'aimer Jésus, il est ton sourire et toute ta joie. Tu as choisi d'aimer 
Jésus, en ce jour prie pour nous Sainte Foy.
You chose to love Jesus, he is your smile and your joy complete; 
you chose to love Jesus. Pray for us, Saint Faith, today.

The Blessing of the Pilgrims

Those travelling to Conques tomorrow come to gather around the Nave Altar. The Bishop says:

Heavenly Father, protector of all who trust in you, you led your people in safety through the desert and brought them to a land of plenty. Guide these your faithful people who begin their journey tomorrow. Fill them with your spirit of love. Preserve them from all harm and bring them in safety to their destination. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Bishop extends his right hand over those who are about to begin their journey, and says:

May our Lord Jesus Christ be with you to defend you, within you to bless you, behind you to guard, above you to bless you. We ask this of him who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

The priest then sprinkles the pilgrims with Holy Water

The choir sings the PRAYER OF SAINT PATRICK (Music by John Rutter)

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of  friend and stranger.